Who are the murmuring brothers of Nephi?
Laman & Lemuel
Name the 3 kingdoms
Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial
What does the iron rod represent in Lehi’s vision of the tree of life?
The word of God
How old was Joseph Smith when he had the first vision?
How many kids do we have? (10 extra points for each name)
Too many! Haha j/k 5
Which prophet died by burning at the stake?
What’s the other name for the Plan of Salvation?
Plan of Happiness
In 3 Nephi 18, what things need to be done when praying for it to “be given unto you”
1) ask for what’s right
2) believe you’ll get it
What scripture prompted Joseph to pray? (50 extra points if you can quote it0
James 1:5
How did we meet?
Singles ward (church)
What is the brother of Jared’s real name?
What is the next step after we die?
Body stays on earth & spirit goes to the spirit world
According to Alma, when and where should we stand as witnesses of God? (Mosiah 18)
At all times, in all things, in all places
Who baptized Joseph Smith?
Oliver Cowdery
What’s the last Movie we saw?
Name two of the sons of Mosiah
Ammon, Aaron, Omner, Himni
What happens in the spirit world?
Missionary Work
What does Nephi say men must do in order to be saved? (2 Nephi 31)
Endure to the end
Name all 4 people that appeared to Joseph to restore the priesthood.
John the Baptist, Peter, James, & John
What are Jordan and Rachel’s favorite colors? (Half points for each answer)
Blue and purple
How much text did Mormon go through when compiling the Book of Mormon?
What is the difference between God’s plan & Satan’s plan? (50 bonus points for how many spirits followed God)
No one would have agency. Glory would go to Satan. (2/3rds)
According to King Benjamin, salvation comes because of what.
The Atonement
Quote the first vision. (If you can’t, tell us the exact scripture)
JSH 1:15-17
What years were Jordan and Rachel born?
1991 & 1994