Alces alces
Tallest peak in Yellowstone National Park
Eagle Peak
The number of glaciers left in the Tetons
The weight of a bison in kg
West Thumb of Lake Yellowstone was formed approximately how many years ago?
160,000 USGS
The number of Canadian wolves captured and released in Yellowstone.
The bison rut peaks in this month
The Shoshone called used this word for what we call the Teton Range
Cervus canadensis
Tallest mountain in Wyoming
Gannet Peak
Minimum size (in acres) to be considered a glacier
Where degrees F and degrees C overlap
The largest fish species native to Lewis Lake.
None. Lewis was previously fishless (per "Yellowstone Fishes: ecology, history, and Angling in YNP")
The heaviest wolf ever caught in Yellowstone weighed this much.
143lbs (495M Mollies pack)
Bighorn testicles swell this many times during their rut.
10 times
The name Bannock comes from Bana’nock which translates to this
People of the Water
Big Sagebrush
Artemesia tridentata
The highest peak in the Teton Range south of Garnet Canyon
The name of the Glacial period that lasted from 30,000 years ago to ~10,000 years ago.
Pinedale Glaciation
Old Faithful is this many meters tall on average
40-42 meters
Depth of Jenny Lake
Wolves primarily feed on meat but because their digestive tract can still process some herbaceous matter wolves are considered this, non-obligate type of carnivore.
Mountain lions are said to have this type of ovulation, not linked to a particular season.
The Nez Perce tribe prefers to go by this name
American Badger
Taxidea taxus
The only dinosaur fossil yet discovered in Yellowstone was a T. Rex tooth from this mountain range
The Red Mountains (Jack Horner, GYE Summit)
A small mountain pool scooped out by a glacier is officially termed this.
The Snake River is in high flow at 15,000 CFS, measured in the metric this is how many Liters Per Minute.
25 million-ish
The first dam on Jackson Lake was built in this year.
1906 (JH history museum)
How many wolf packs have existed since the park restored wolves.
36 (as of 2022) and I think that is still true
This animal has the largest disparity between the mother's weight and the baby's weight of any placental mammal.
Grizzly bear (300:1)
The group often referred to as Sioux is a corruption of an Ojibwe slur meaning this
"Little Snakes" or sometimes "enemy"
White Bark Pine
Pinus albicalus
The highest peak in the Teton Wilderness
Younts Peak
This prototypical glacier is the southern most glacier in the Teton Range:
Schoolroom Glacier
Yellowstone is about this many hectares in size
The surface area of Lake Yellowstone in miles.
132 sq. miles
The name of one of the towns nearest the Canadian wolf captures.
Hinton, Alberta
Dawson Creek, British Columbia
What percentage of Big Horn sheep lambs will die in a given season, in the GYE.
Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt, a well know cheif is better known by this name
Chief Joseph