The coldest of all habitats or biomes. There is little precipitation, freezing temperatures, and very short growing seasons. Some animals that live here are the arctic fox, snowy owl, polar bear, caribou (deer), and penguins.
What is the Tundra?
Some animals live in this as an adaptation to better help them to survive.
What is a group?
Thick fur would be needed to live in this habitat.
What is the Tundra?
This habitat is a place that receives more rain than deserts but less precipitation than forests. Most of the plants here are grasses, which don’t need as much water as forest vegetation.
What is a Grassland Habitat?
This layer of rock is from before there was life on Earth. What number is this in order from oldest to youngest.
What is #1, the oldest layer of rock.
This habitat is a large area of land covered with trees and underbrush. Some animals that live here include squirrels, bears, foxes, gorillas, monkeys,insects, and coyotes.
What is a forest?
These are very social animals that stick together for protection from predators.
What are elephants?
Long, hard claws would be needed to live in this habitat.
What is underground?
This habitat is the driest places on Earth—it gets fewer than 10 inches (25 centimeters) of rain a year. Some may get a lot of rain all at once.
What is a desert?
This layer contains fossils of the most recent life on Earth.
What is the youngest layer of rock #5?
This habitat has no more than 20 inches of precipitation per year, has extreme temperatures where animals have developed special adaptations to survive, and very little vegetation. Some animals that live here are camels, reptiles, coyotes, and bobcats.
What is a desert?
This animal sticks together to attack as a group of predators.
What are wolves?
A protective shell would be useful to live in this habitat.
What is the ocean or sea?
This habitat is a lush, warm, wet habitat. Trees in this habitat grow very tall because they have to compete with other plants for sunlight.
What is the rainforest?
This is the remains of a living thing from long ago, usually formed in layers of rock.
What is a fossil?
This habitat refers to the vast body of saltwater that covers most of the earth, providing a diverse environment for a wide range of marine plants and animals to live in. Some animals that you will find in the ocean are seahorses, whales, sharks, dolphins, walrus, and fish.
What is the ocean?
These animals live in “prides” where they work together to hunt large prey and defend their territory.
What are lions?
Places to store water would be a necessity if you lived in this habitat.
What is the desert?
This habitat has areas of salty water that fill enormous basins on the earth’s surface. Even though Earth has one continuous body of saltwater, scientists divide it into five different sections. From biggest to smallest, they are the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Southern, and the Arctic Oceans.
What is the ocean?
To have close to the same characteristics in common.
What is similar?
This is the change or the process of change by which an organism becomes better suited to its environment. It is a physical or behavioral feature of an animal that helps them better survive in their environment.
What is an adaptation or trait?
These animals form pods where they communicate through complex vocalizations, and work together to find food and protect vulnerable members.
What are dolphins and whales?
This habitat is very cold and has few trees or vegetation and is What is often covered in snow. This second habitat is very warm during the day and cold at night, and has few trees and little vegetation and is often covered in sand.
What is the Tundra AND What is the desert?
This habitat is made up of mountains which rise taller than a hill, it usually has steep slopes and a rounded or sharp peak.
What is a Mountain habitat?
The oldest and youngest habitats in the layers had sea creatures in them. This means that they were both what kind of substance?
What are watery areas?