do they get gifts in india
yes or no
they dont get gifts in india
when is the christmas night
25th December
what do they put on the top of the christmas tree in france
a angel
what did they invented in christmas in germany
the christmas calendar and the Advent tradition
what are the name of the person that wants to steal the chrismas
The grinch
what animal will you find in iceland in christmas
a Icelandic christmas cat
what is the food you usually eat at the chrismas dinner
roast turkey
what do they celebrate the January 6th
Holy three Kings
what tree do they put a pickle on in germany
a plastic tree
which state did Kevin from home alone 2 go
New york
why does they put a extra empty table for somone who isn`t there in polan
so there is a table for a spirit
what year did Henry Cole indvent the chritsmas cards+- 50
when do christmas end in france
January 6th
what do you get if you fimd the pickle on the tree in germany
a gift
what is the name of the kid in home alone
why does the put brooms and mops away in Norway
because they want to avoid evil spirits coming back to earth so they cant steal them and fly around with it
who indvented the christmas card in England
Henry Cole
what do thay put on the chrismas tree in france
they put candy,fruits,nuts and small toys
what was the thing they invented in chrismas
the chrismas tree
when did Home Alone come out +-15
what is the tradition in Venezuela
they role on roller skates
when is the christmas dinner
Two o' cloch in the afternoon
what do they eat in france at the christmas dinner in the start
foie gras, oysters or salmon
what food do they put on the christmas tree in germany
a pickle
what is the name of the danish movie that has krampus in it
Julemandens datter 1