Tooth numbers 12-16 facial and lingual aspect
What is sextant 3
Tooth number 3 has a blue circle on occlusal which includes M, O, D, and includes M & D on facial and lingual aspect.
What is a MOD composite?
This instrument may be used anywhere in the mouth to scale.
What is a universal?
Excessive amounts of fluoride intake.
What is fluorosis / mottled enamel?
The thumb and index finger are across from each other and the middle finger is resting lightly on the shank.
What is the modified pen grasp?
Tooth numbers 17-21 lingual aspect only
What is division 10?
Tooth #15 is outlined in blue with blue diagonal lines
What is a gold crown?
This stain occurs inside the tooth and can not be removed by scaling.
What is intrinsic stain?
Using fingers and thumb of same hand to move or compress tissue.
What is bidigital palpation?
The process by which all forms of life are destroyed by physical or chemical means.
What is sterilization?
Tooth numbers 22-27 facial and lingual aspect
What is sextant 5?
This sits inside the occlusal table and extends onto the cusp tips and marginal ridges.
What is a gold onlay?
Stains that originate from a source outside the tooth. They may be extrinsic or become intrinsic.
What is exogenous?
Using index finger of one hand and fingers and thumb of other hand simultaneously to move or compress tissue.
The father of dental hygiene.
What is Dr. Alfred C. Fones?
Tooth numbers 1-5 lingual aspect only
What is division 6?
Maxillary anteriors, facial surfaces only.
What is division 2?
When using the probe correctly the probe should touch the bottom of the sulcus known as
What is the junctional epitheium
Provides a barrier against acids, contains no cells and forms within minutes after cleaning.
What is acquired pellicle
Latent form of chicken pox.
What is shingles?
First primary molar in quad 1
What is tooth number B?
A tooth which can be depressed into the socket is classified with what class of mobility?
What is class III mobility?
Measure from the gingival margin to the CEJ.
What is recession?
A pocket formed by gingival enlargement.
What is a pseudopocket?
Non-visible symptoms before the onset of a disease.
What is prodromal?