What is the most popular pet for people?
12th of 6th month of the year.
The twelfth of June.
This fruit starts with the first letter of the alphabet.
The typical Halloween vegetable.
Carved pumpkin.
What is a very tall yellow and brown animal?
The last month of the year.
It's the popular long orange vegetable.
What colour are the leaves in autumn?
Red, yellow, orange and brown.
It is a very big and grey wild animal. What is it?
1st of 1st month of the year.
The first of January.
You have minus 300 points
You have minus 300 points
!!Plus 300 bonus points!!
You have 300 bonus points
It is a white farm animal with curly hair . What is it?
The 10th month of the year.
The name of this fruit starts with P and is sweet and round.
Make a word P M P U K N I
It is dangerous wild animal. It has big hair. What is it?
A: gepard
B: lion
C: tiger
It is B. It is lion.
3rd of 2nd month of the year
The third of February.
This is a popular fast food. People eat it with tartar or tomato sauce.
French fries
It is a Halloween animal with 8 legs.