What type of question is this?
What are your thoughts on the new project?
Open ended
What does 'persuade' mean?
To make someone do or think in the way you want.
A resolution is...
The statement or policy being debated
What does LD stand for?
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
How long is each segment?
5 minutes
What type of question is this?
Did you attend the meeting yesterday?
Closed ended
A counter argument is...
a response to an argument
Solvency is...
How the proposed policy will solve the problem.
How long is each constructive?
A: 6 minutes
N: 7 minutes
each team has two speakers who _________ presenting and rebutting arguments
What type of question is this?
Don't you think the new policy is great?
Name 3 persuasive techniques
Possible answers:
- Story telling
- Rhetorical questions
- Repetition
- Counterargument
Topicality is...
Disadvantages are...
Whether the arguments are relevant to the resolution.
Potential negative outcomes of the proposed policy.
What are its 3 key features?
Philosophical Framework
Preparation Time
What are its 3 key features?
- logic
- Timing/roles
- respect
What are 4 tips for cross examination?
- Listen carefully
- Stay Calm and Composed
- Know When to Stop
- Use Silence Strategically
Logos is...
Pathos is...
Inherency is...
Harms is...
The current problem that needs to be addressed.
The negative consequences of the current situation.
What is the structure of a case?
Framework: Value &Criterion
This style focuses on
- critical thinking
- logical argumentation
What is the purpose of cross examination?
Gives an opportunity to point out the weaknesses of an opponents testimony
Ethos is...
Kairos is...
Time and place
What is the structure?
Affirmative Constructive
Cross-Examination by Negative
Negative Constructive
Cross-Examination by Affirmative
What is the structure?
Affirmative Constructive
Negative Constructive
First Affirmative Rebuttal
Negative Rebuttal
Second Affirmative Rebuttal
What is the structure of a Karl Popper debate?
First Affirmative Constructive
First Negative Constructive
First Affirmative Rebuttal
First Negative Rebuttal
Second Affirmative Rebuttal
Second Negative Rebuttal