In the circle of fifths where are the minor scales located?
Inside part of the circle
In the circle of fifths where are the major scales located?
Outside part of the circle
What is "tempo"
The speed at which a piece of music is performed.
interval between the notes C and E
a major third
how many beats are in a 3/4
3 quarter notes
any minor scale with is 7th note raised a half step
Harmonic Minor Scale
Major Scale with zero flats or sharps
C major
A style of playing where the notes are detached or sharply separated
interval between the notes G and D
Perfect 5th
4/4 time name
Common time
Minor scales with zero flats or sharps
A minor
Major scale with one sharp
G major
Loud dynamic level.
Forte (f)
What interval occurs between two notes that are one semitone apart?
a minor second
A note that gets one-half of the value of a quarter note.
an eight note
minor scale with one sharp
E minor
Major scale with one flat
F major
A gradual increase in volume.
interval with 8 half steps
Aug 5th / Minor 6th
This rhythmic symbol is used to indicate a pause or silence
Minor scale with 3 flat
C minor
Major scale with 5 sharps
B major
a smooth, flowing style of playing or singing where the notes are connected
what note is an augmented 5th From D
The practice of placing accents on unexpected beats or offbeats