What is the abbreviation for Burning wire?
What's is needed to be verified to move forward with caller?
Name, Phone &
Servicing address
Meters measure how much electricity is used.?
Where would we transfer if the customer says there is gas smell?
18009688243 , West Monroe
What does No Power mean?
What is abbreviation for House Fire
When the caller comes in authenticated name, phone number & service address is required, what additional authenticator is needed for a non authenticator?
-last 4 ssn
What is a third party notification?
To arrange a other person to receive a copy of the bill
Ex, Friend, Organization or Social Service agency.
what is one of the states do we service?
-Entergy Arkansas, LLC (EAL)
-Entergy Louisiana, LLC (ELL)
-Entergy Mississippi, LLC (EML)
-Entergy Texas INC (ETI)
What is a planned outage?
Planned to trimming of trees, fixing poles or anything the electricity must be blocked off for safety.
What is abbreviation for Burning Power line?
If the caller comes in on a GAS issue, what is needed to be verified
Nothing , transfer immediately to (81120030, hard phone extension)
What is the Billing program that allows a customer to choose their bill date?
Pick a Date
If customer saya they are smelling gas and hear a humming sound, what do we advise
To drop everything and get out!
What would be a non weather related outage?
Due to broken transformers or power lines.
What is abbreviation for Low Wire
What is needed for a non outage/ Emergency call
if not pertaining to any wire, or shock, we would need to transfer.
What is one of the places we service for gas?
-Baton rouge
-east Baton rouge parish (Zachary)
-Greenwell Springs
-Central (ELL 4000)
-New Orleans
If customer says there is a smell coming from the inside of the house, what kind of scenario would this be?
Outage Scenario
Name one of the Color codes for Estimated time and the process time frame?
Green, same day fix
Yellow, 2-3 days ,, up to a week
Red, week & possibility more days passed a week / can evacuate due to ETF
Black, No ETF
If callers info is not verified, is the call an automatic fail?
System will divide each month into 21 billing periods called?
If the Carbon Monoxide Alarm goes off, what do we advise the caller?
Advise the customer to contact local fire department
What is the Alternative system we use?