Which system provides structure and supports your body?
Skeletal System
The femur belongs to which system?
The biceps and triceps belong to which system?
The muscular system.
What would happen if you didn’t have a skeletal system?
Your body wouldn’t have structure, and you’d collapse into a shapeless mass.
The spine belongs to which system?
The skeletal system.
Which system allows your body to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide?
Respiratory System
The trachea belongs to which system?
Respiratory System
What system works with muscles to help you move?
The skeletal system
What would happen if your digestive system stopped working?
Your body wouldn’t get the nutrients it needs to function.
Which system controls your breathing and oxygen flow?
Respiratory System
Which system breaks down food so your body can use it for energy?
Digestive System
The intestines belong to which system?
Digestive System
What would happen if your respiratory system couldn’t take in oxygen?
Your cells wouldn’t get the oxygen needed for energy, and you wouldn’t survive.
Which system helps circulate blood throughout your body?
Circulatory System
Which system moves blood, nutrients, and oxygen around your body?
Which system allows you to move your body and perform physical activities?
Muscular System