Cells that support and protect the neurons
Glial Cells
The two primary divisions of the nervous system
Afferent (sensory) and Efferent (motor)
The fuzzy, root-like projections that hang off of a nerve cell are known as?
The two primary sub-parts of the Autonomic Nervous System
The Parasympathetic and Sympathetic
This coating, laid down by oligodendrocytes on the outside of axons, is said to increase the speed of action potentials
What is Myelin (process is called myelination)
The physical parts of the central nervous system are
The spinal cord and brain
What is the outermost layer of dense irregular connective tissue on a nerve called
The eipneurium (as contrasted with the perineurium that covers a nerve fascile or endoneurium around each myelinated fiber)
The long cord arising from the body of the dendrite that connects it to the next neuron is called the
The Parasympathetic division is said to cause the muscles and organs it touches to do this
Rest and Digest
The pressence or abscense of myelin, distinguishes these two types of brain tissues
White matter vs Grey Matter
How many cranial nerves are there?
The two primary systems within the Efferent division of the nervous system
Somatic Nervous System (skeletal muscle) and the Autonomic Nervous System (everything else - smooth muscle)
The area of the neuron that connects the cell body to the axon is known as the
Axon hillock - point of generation for an action potential
The Sympathetic Nervous system is said to cause these sorts of reactions
Fight or flight
There are several different types of cells that make up the neuroglia, name three
PNS: Satellite cells, Schwann cells
CNS: Microglia, ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes
Chemical substances that cross the synaptic cleft to stimulate action in the post-synaptic neuron are known as
A nerve cell cluster, or a group of nerve cell bodies located in the ANS is known as
A ganglion
The very tips of the axon at the end of the telodendria are known as the
Axon Terminals
The general name for the classification of injury that occurs when a nerve fiber is cut or crushed
Wallerian degeneration
Astrocytes (the ones that look like stars), guard a portion of the CNS and are said to be the primary cells that maintain this
The blood brain barrier
This type of neuron is often found within sense organs and particularly the sense of olfactio
Bipolar neurons
The three types of sensory receptors are
Interoreceptors = internal systems and senses (taste, deep pressure/pain)
Exteroceptors = external senses (touch, temp) and distance senses (sight smell hear)
Proprioceptors (skeletal muscles and joints)
The space between two ajoining neurons is known as the
Synaptic cleft
There are 5 Main membrance processes in neural activity...name as many as you can
1. Resting potential - cell at rest
2. Graded potential - stimulus causes a loclized change in RP
3. Action potential - electrical impulse
4. Synaptic activity - release NTs that stimulate next neuron
5. Info processing - integratoin and response
Schwann cells myelinate cells in this division, while oligodentrocytes myelinate cells in that division
Schwann = PNS
Oligo = CNS