This stage of sleep is characterized by rapid eye movements and is associated with vivid dreams.
Rem Sleep
What is Learning by Observing Others?
Vicarious(Observational) Learning
Name of the Savory Taste receptor (ex: eating a steak)
Connects the brain to the spinal cord.
The Nobel Prize winning Russian physiologist who pioneered research on classical conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
What is the sleep disorder that causes a person to stop breathing for brief periods during the night?
Sleep Apnea
This reinforcement schedule provides a reward after an unpredictable number of responses, often seen in gambling.
variable ratio schedule
What type of vision does someone with normal color vision have ?
The brains sensory control center
Viewed humans as being born “tabala rasa.”
John Locke
These brainwaves are dominant during deep sleep in NREM Stage 3 and are characterized by slow frequency and high amplitude.
Delta Waves
What is Learning that is not immediately reflected in a behavior change?
Latent Learning
Which theory of hearing states that pitch is determined by where on the cochlea membrane the sound wave hits ?
Place Theory
Coordinates movement and balance, enables nonverbal learning and memory.
A humanistic psychologist who became known for his notion that individuals behave in accordance with a hierarchy of needs.
Abraham Maslow
This part of the brain regulates the circadian rhythm by responding to light signals
Superchiasmatic Nucleus
Theory Popularized by Edward Thorndike
Law of Effect
What part of the nose changes the chemical signals in scents into nervous signals sent to the brain ?
Olfactory Epithelium
Regulates the body’s circadian rhythm.
Pineal Gland
The Nobel Prize winner who is known for his pioneering research on the effects of the split-brain operation.
Roger Sperry
This theory suggests that dreams are the brain's attempt to make sense of random neural activity during sleep.
activation-synthesis theory
Whats a sudden realization of a solution to a problem?
Insight Learning
What sense is aided by the presence of the semicircular canals in the inner ear?
Vestibular Sense
This is linked with aggression and fear.
The French psychiatrist who is credited with the concept of dissociation.
Pierre Janet