Brain chemistry changes, increased respiration and heart rate, dulled taste buds, bad hygiene are considered what..
What is.. short-term effects of tobacco use
BAC is an acronym for...
what is... Blood Alcohol Content
What are the three areas of health affected by drug use?
Physical, mental, and social health
(T/F) A person with a BAC of 0.09 is considered legally intoxicated
what is.. true
substances do people often use to relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
what is. Nicotine substitutes
Air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke)
Environmental Tobacco Smoke
the legal limit for BAC for drivers over 21 years old
what is... 0.08
A strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of drugs
What is.. overdose
a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns
what is.. tar
a substance that causes physiological dependence on a drug
what is.. Addictive drug
What are 2 reasons teens start smoking..
what is.. To control weight, cope with stress, appear more mature or independent
drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting
What is.. binge drinking
They slow the nervous system
What is.. depressants
Craving Alcohol is a sign of..
what is.. an alcoholic
the process of medical and psychological treatment for physiological or psychological dependence on a drug or alcohol
what is.. Rehabilitation
What is the main type of smoke that comes from the end of a burning cigarette?
what is.. Side stream smoke
List three factors that influence how alcohol affects a person...
what is.. Body size, rate of intake, gender, food, amount, and medicine.
Why is marijuana considered a gateway drug?
what is.. that is very addictive. Because it can lead to the use of other more dangerous drugs
What are 2 short-term effects of inhalants?
what is.. slurred speech, nosebleeds, nausea,
a severe and potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose
what is.. Alcohol poisoning
List at least three long-term health issues caused by tobacco use..
what is.. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, coronary heart disease and stroke, weakened immune system.
Name the three factors that can influence a person's decision to use alcohol.
what is.. Peer pressure, family influence, and media messages.
What are 3 social consequences of drug use?
what is.. Losing friendships or family members; can lead to crime, suicide, and unintentional injuries.
symptoms are: Irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, sleep disturbances, craving for tobacco products
what is.. nicotine withdrawal
the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance, and the person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced