The Boston Massacre was:
A bloody conflict between colonists and British troops stationed in Boston
Helped train Washington’s troops at Valley Forge
General Friedrich Von Steuben
What three countries were involved in the Battle of Yorktown?
Britain, France, America
A small army made up of ordinary citizens who are available to fight in an emergency
The Declaration of Independence states that all people are born with rights including
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Chosen by the second Continental Congress to lead the new Continental Army
George Washington
Was the first and strongest supporter of an independent America
John Adams
Why was the Battle of Trenton important?
Boosted moral, increased enlistment
To refuse to buy one or more goods from a certain source
The Declaration of Independence was issued on
Why did England tax the colonies?
To pay for the French and Indian war
First person killed at Boston Massacre
Crispus Attucks
Why was the Battle of Saratoga important?
It convinced France to enter the war
German soldiers fighting on the side of the British
Who goes to France asking for their aid in the Revolution against Britain?
Benjamin Franklin
Who wrote Common Sense?
Thomas Paine
Ignored colonists’ demands for representation in Parliament
George III
At what battle did Prescott say "Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes"?
Bunker Hill
The lawmaking body/group of America
Who said, "
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
Yet we have this consolation with us,
That the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly;
It is dearness only that gives every thing its value."
Thomas Paine
The Declaration of Independence was written to explain
why it was time for the colonists to separate from Britian
Organized Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party
Samuel Adams
The clashes at Lexington and Concord proved
The Americans were willing to fight for the right to govern themselves
A complete change and overthrow of an government
Washington spent a harsh winter here
Valley Forge