This is the name of a medication that reflects it's original designation early during the approval process. Hint; Not a brand name.
Generic name
When a drug level in the body has reached a therapeutic level it is said to have this concentration.
Critical Concentration
This is the name for the bad effect drugs may have on a developing fetus.
Teratogenic effect
This is a type of medication that clients can take without a prescription, but MUST be asked about by the RN.
Over the counter medications (OTC)
A drug that interacts directly with a receptor site to cause an action.'s not an antagonist
This is the most common side effect of oral medications. Hint..this is not an adverse reaction.
Nausea and/or vomiting
If a medication has a potential for abuse or addiction it is called this type of substance.
Controlled, controlled substance (Scheduled med for slang) Slang terms are not on tests
The RN may need to adjust the timing of medications to avoid this type of interaction.
A patient with malaise and a change in the color of their urine/stool may be experiencing this complication.
This is the term used to describe the study of distribution, metabolism, excretion, and absorption of medications
The amount of circulating medication in a clients system in 8 hours after a 100mg dose if the medication has a 4 hour half-life
25 mg
50 mg at 4 hours then 25 mg at 8 hours
A patient receiving an antineoplastic drug who develops fever, chills, and weakness may be suffering from this complication.
Blood dyscrasia
The same medication may be prescribed at a different dose when given IV compared to oral because of this effect by the liver
First Pass Effect
When a medication produces a negative and/or unexpected effect (even when given properly).
Adverse effect