4 weeks (4 Sundays)
The Advent wreath is always seen as what shape?
Circle-symbolizing eternity
Saint Lucy
What is the name of Mary's mother?
Saint Anne
“Emmanuel” means what?
a. Savior
b. God with us
c. God and man
b. God with us
Advent comes for the Latin word, "adventus" which means-
a. adventure
b. coming
c. waiting
b. coming
An advent wreath is always what color?
Green (symbolizing hope)
Saint Lucy was a martyr. What does that mean?
She was killed for her religious beliefs.
What was Joseph's occupation (job)
How many disciples did Jesus have?
Advent begins what?
a. the shopping season
b. the new liturgical year
c. the countdown to NFL playoffs
b. the new liturgical year
Three candles of the Advent wreath are what color(s)?
Purple (or blue)
We celebrate this saint on December 6th. Children put stockings out for this saint.
Saint Nicholas
What do we celebrate with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th?
Mary being conceived without original sin.
What gifts did the Wise Men bring Jesus?
gold, frankincense, and myrrh
What do the candles of the Advent wreath symbolize?
a. Christ, the light of the world
b. the passage of time
c. Warming the chill of winter
a. Christ, the light of the world
The candle for the third week of Advent is what color?
Pink-symbolizing joy/rejoicing
This saint showed generosity in many ways. One way was helping a man who couldn't afford to have his daughters be married. This saint hid coins in the girls' stockings.
Mary and Joseph had to travel to the hometown of Joseph to be counted for the census. What town was this?
Where did Jesus grow up? Where did he live when he was young?
We celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (we celebrated at school on Monday). What does this feast celebrate?
The Conception of Mary. When she started growing in her mother's womb.
The Advent wreath originated (began) in what country? (seven letters)
On December 12th we celebrate the Feast of our Lady of Guadeloupe. This celebrates a time when a peasant, Juan Diego, saw a vision of who in 1531?
Mary the Mother of Jesus
Mary's cousin, Elizabeth, was the mother of John the Baptist. What was her name?
Christmas is the Nativity of the Lord. What does nativity mean?
Birth place