What does Jannah look like?

Jannah is promised by God to the people who worked to make him happy with them by doing good deeds and following his rules. It is for the people who worshipped only him.
In heaven, there are full gardens with flowers that are the brightest colors you can imagine. There are trees with fruits that taste sweeter than anything you’ve ever had. There are houses made of gold and only happiness, peace, and beauty.


Why do we fast?

Fasting Ramadan is a requirement for able Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ even encouraged fasting outside of Ramadan too!
Fasting is a way for us to worship God. There is wisdom behind it, and we should use our time to do extra worship like reading Quran, making dua, praying, and other things.
"Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven."
Narrated by Abu Huraira, may God be pleased with him.


Why did Muhammad ﷺ go to the Cave Hiraa'?

He wanted to be by himself to think and call to God for guidance and help.
Before Islam, the people of Mecca were polytheists with bad manners and sinful behavior.


How many times a day do we get to pray?

Muslims are commanded to pray 5 times a day.
These five prayers allow us to refocus on our purpose and have a personal meeting with God.


What is the first prayer of the day?

Fajr is the first prayer of the day.
“[Whoever] performs the Fajr will be under the protection of God."
It helps us start the day with peace and in remembrance of God, making us stronger and more focused.
Sahih Muslim, Book 5, Hadith 329


Who is the last prophet?

Muhammad ﷺ is the last Prophet.
In the Quran, God calls him "the Seal of the Prophets".


How did the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ teach people about Islam?

In the first three years, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  quietly shared the message of Islam with his close friends and family as God commanded him to do.
During the three years, more parts of the Quran were revealed, and the Muslims learned and practiced early Islam together.
After that, God commanded the Prophet ﷺ to tell everyone about the message.


What is Islam?

Islam is the submission to the will of God.
This means following and doing everything that we know God has commanded of us. This includes following the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as best as we can.


Why is the Prophet ﷺ called the Truthful and Trustworthy?

The Prophet ﷺ was known for never telling a lie and never breaking his promises. 


What is hell?

Hell is a place for the people who didn’t follow God’s guidance, did not try to do good deeds, or worshipped other gods besides Him
God sent messengers to every place so the people could know that he is one. People who knowingly ignored the messengers and worshipped other than God will end up in Hell, and God knows best. 


How many years old is the Qur'an?

The first verse of the Qur'an came down about 1400 years ago!
This is 10 years before the migration from Mecca to Madina in the year 610 CE.


What is the biggest sin in Islam?

The biggest sin in Islam is worshipping anyone with or instead of God.


How many pillars of Islam are there?
Can you name them all?

Shahada - Testimony of faith
Salah - 5 daily prayers
Zakat - Required giving to charity
Sawm - Fasting Ramadan
Hajj - Required of able adults: Pilgrimage to Mecca


Who built the Kaaba?

The Kaaba was first built by the Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ishmael (peace be upon both of them).
The Kaaba had to be rebuilt for different reasons such as floods, fire, and war.


What is the meaning of "Asr"?

Asr is the fourth prayer of the day.
"Asr" literally means "time", but it can also be translated as "declining day".
It is when your shadow is double your height and is the last daylight prayer of the day.


What language was the Qur'an sent down in?

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ lived in Mecca, where people spoke Arabic (until today!).


What is the first surah in the Quran?

Surah al-Fatiha
In the name of God, the kind, the most merciful.
All praise is to God, the lord of the worlds.
The kind, the most merciful.
The king of the Day of Judgment.
It is you alone that we worship, and you alone that we ask for help.
Guide us to the straight path.
The path of those you have blessed, and NOT those who have earned your displeasure, OR those who have gone astray. 


How many chapters are in the Quran?

There are 114 chapters in the Quran.
The verses came down over a period of 23 years from 610 until 633 CE.


Does Allah sleep?

No, Allah does not need sleep.
Allah is different from us. We are human and we need sleep. He does not.
One of God's names, Al-Raqib, means the All-Watchful, meaning he always sees what we are doing.


Who migrated from Mecca to Madina with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?

Many Muslims migrated to escape oppression in Mecca. This included the Prophet's ﷺ closest friend, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.
This is known as the Hijrah, which happened in the year 622 AD