RBT Duties

How often should Mike be prompted to use the restroom?

Every hour


How often should RMT be prompted to use the restroom?

Every 30 mins during wellness checks


How do we guide SD when walking?

While walking, one staff will walk in front of Shawndon and provide verbal directional prompts and will carry a Ukeru pad. Prompting should be minimal but sufficient to help Shawndon navigate safely. Second staff will walk 2-3 feet behind him and carry two Ukeru pads.

a. It is permissible for staff to allow him to gently bump into walls/obstacles while walking at a safe/non-injurious speed. This facilitates his long-term independence and helps to prevent over-stimulation via verbal prompting.


How many fire drills should RS practice a month?

10 opportunities


When is your RBT log due each month?

Before the 5th day of the next month


Name 3 precursor behaviors to MO's physical aggression 

  • Repeated requests for highly-preferred reinforcers with or without increased verbal volume.
  • Refusal to cooperate with mastered tasks.
  • Frowning/intense eye contact, looking at a person from corners of his eyes, and/or scanning the room to establish eye contact.
  • Walking more quickly through typical paths than usual. This often but not always includes heavier footsteps, leaning further forward while walking, and/or louder vocalizations than are typical.
  • Coming out of his room to refill his water glass or to seek food more often than is typical.

Name 3 precursor behaviors to RMT's SIB

  • Unwrapping wound bandages 
  • Throwing an item
  • Decline staff attempts at redirection
  • Decline staff offers to help in any way 
  • Holds head down (unresponsiveness)
  • Reduced eye contact
  • Mild vocal aggression

What is the plan for feeding SD meals and snacks?

When presenting him with a meal, staff will say “Shawn, will you please feed yourself?” If he shakes his head, staff may feed him. When he requests snacks (e.g., chips, Slim Jims, other junk food) staff either place it in his hand, or inform him where the food is located (e.g., “Here are your Cheez-Its. They are on the table in front of you.”). Staff will not handfeed him outside of regular mealtimes.


Name 2 precursor behaviors for RS's behaviors

- Turning his foot on the floor repeatedly.

- Holding staff’s wrists.

- Perseverating on certain requests by staying close to the office door or laundry room door.

- Screaming by covering his ears with hands.

- Scanning environment looking for hard items to use as weapons


When should you document your behavior-analytic hours?



Provide an example of two responses that would be tracked under Mike's replacement goal "Making appropriate verbal requests/bids for social interaction, and/or other reinforcers". 

1. Calling someone's name with an appropriate volume or emitting an appropriate conversation opener)

2. Maintain a verbal interaction by making an on-topic comment

3. Appropriately request a specific reinforcer (e.g., reasonable volume and interpersonal proximity to his listener)


How often should we perform wellness checks with RMT and how long should these interactions last?

30 mins; 3 mins


Name two antecedent interventions for SDs target behaviors. 

- Asking yes/no questions

- Confirming his choices

- Having a pitcher of water/juice available 

- Telling him when an unavailable reinforcer can be delivered

- Only offering reinforcers that can be delivered in 5 secs

- Notifying the lead when you are returning to the house from outings


Name 2 de-escalation tasks for RS. 

- Walking in the neighborhood (avoid going to the main street towards Starbucks and main intersection

- Passing basketball

- Engaging in a neutral activity such as floor puzzles, wiping off surfaces when the staff is spraying, and Russell is wiping off the surface etc


How can behavior data be taken accurately?

- By collecting data in real time using your file folders

- Measurement tools: stopwatch, clickers, etc. 


How do we react to socially and/or sexually inappropriate comments and threats of violence?

Staff will not verbally and/or nonverbally acknowledge any socially/sexually inappropriate questions/comments and threats of violence. Staff will not initiate social contact with Mike for one minute after such a question/comment or until he makes an appropriate bid for interaction (whichever comes first).


If RMT bangs his head 3 times, lays on the ground for 7 minutes, bites himself 1 time, then goes to his room for 10 minutes with no SIB, how many times would we track that as SIB?

1 time. 


If SD hits himself 11 times, drops to the floor and rocks for 6 mins making loud vocalizations, then stands up and hits himself 4 times, how many instances of SIB is this?

2. We track SIB by episode, not every instance it occurs. 


Name three behaviors that are being tracked as protest.

- Screaming/yelling/crying (with or without tears) for more than five consecutive seconds

- Banging his heel on the floor/turning his foot

- Hitting his leg with his elbow

- Urinating on the floor 

- Throwing himself to the ground

- Banging any surface in any way that left physical damage to the item


What Percentage of RBT hours needs to be supervised by BCBA, who's is responsible in making sure hours are met each month?

Minimum 5% RBT Supervision hours, RBT is responsible. 


                                                                               With a partner, model how to prompt Mike to request escape/avoidance of a non-preferred instruction or condition.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Prime Michael on which phrases he can use aside from “I’m good.” before starting non-preferred activities.
  • When he indicates that he does not want to engage in a task, activity, or that he does not want something that is offered to him via appropriate vocalization (not to include “I’m good.”), immediately reinforce the request by removing the demand or activity.
  • If he does not independently request escape via a phrase other than “I’m good.”, prompt him to say “Can I do that later?”, “I don’t want to right now.”, “Can you shut my door?”, or sentences of that sort. Once he emits an appropriate prompted response for escape, remove the demand or activity immediately.

With a partner, model how to prompt RMT to request an alternative reinforcer or choose from two options when denied access 

  • When an item or activity is not available during your shift (e.g., the skating rink is closed during your shift), state that it is unavailable and encourage Ruben to suggest an alternative if he does not do so independently. If Ruben still does not suggest an alternative, give him choices of two other available options.
  • If a requested item/activity is available to him during your shift, but not at the moment of his request (e.g., no van available to take him fishing), tell him when he can have his requested item/activity and give choices of available options while he waits.
  • Provide social praise and access to his choice as soon as possible when Ruben suggests an alternative or makes a choice.

With a partner, model how to prompt SD to request access to preferred items/activities

- Ask yes/no questions (e.g., “Do you want _____.) to facilitate functional communication.

- When Shawndon makes a request via vocal approximation, ensure understanding by confirming the desired item/activity with a clarifying yes/no question.

- Reinforce all appropriate attempts at functional communication as soon as possible.


With a partner, model how to prompt RS to accept or reject an alternative option. 

- After Russell indicates that he wants an item or activity that is unavailable, state that it is not available and provide 2 choices of alternative items or activities via individual yes/no questions (e.g., “Sorry, there’s no van right now. Do you want to go for a walk?”). If he indicates “No,” offer another reinforcer (e.g., “Do you want to make something to eat?”). If he makes a choice, give immediate access and provide verbal praise.

- If he does not make a choice, give him two more choices via yes/no questions. If he makes a choice, give immediate access and provide verbal praise. If he fails to accept the four offered reinforcers, repeat the process


Name three things you have to complete in Avatar?

Shift log

Outing log

Body check log

Vital log

Sleep log