What does the word Mesopotamia mean?
Between Rivers
What were the names of the regions Egypt was divided into?
Upper & Lower
What was the “Warring States” in China?
About 500 years of civil war
Who unified Persia into one Empire?
Darius 2
What does BC stand for?
Before Christ
Wheat is the name of the land Mesopotamians settles on?
Fertile Crescent
Who united Upper & Lower Egypt?
What was the Great achievement of the Qin Dynasty?
The Great Wall
What happened to Cambyses?
Died of accidental self-inflicted wound
Why do we NOT use BCE?
Means Before Common Era, we don't use it cause it takes Jesus out of it.
Who was the first ruler of a united Mesopotamia?
Sargon 1
What three times period is Egyptian History broken into?
Old, Middle, New
What were the three parts of China’s natural barrier?
Mountains (Himalayas)
Deserts (Gobi + Taklamakan)
Seas: Yellow + South China
What was so different about the way Cyrus 2 ruled?
He was tolerant of those he captured allowing them to speak their own language, practice their own religious beliefs and allowed the Jews to return to their homeland.
What does AD stand for?
Anno Domini: In The Year of Our Lord
What is Hammurabi known for?
Hammurabi's Code, strict rules for his Empire
What is interesting about the Nile River?
It flows South to North
What were the three main philosophies of Ancient China?
Taoism, Confucianism, Legalism
What was the Ionian Revolt?
When Greek city states, under Persian control revolted against the throne, and mainland Greece sent military units over to fight alongside them.
One of the factors that led to the Greco-Persians Wars
Why does AD NOT mean “after death”?
There would be about 33 years missing from the timeline
Name the two rivers that flow through Mesopotamia.
Tigris & Euphrates
Egypt was ultimately conquered by whom? Extra 100 points if you know the year.
Rome, 30 BC
What are the three nicknames given to the Huang He River?
Yellow River
Mother River
China's Sorrow
Who won the Greco-Persian Wars?
What is necessary for early civilizations to survive?
Fresh Water