When is Ado's birthday?
July 3
When is Gabby's birthday?
April 26
When is Mommy's Birthday?
July 21
When is daddy's birthday?
October 27
A is for
What is Ado's favorite food?
What is Gabby's favorite animal?
A dog
Can mommy say "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
No (mommy's tounge after trying to say that -> 🥨)
how long does it take for daddy to use the bathroom?
1+ hours
G is for
What is Ado's favorite color?
What is Gabby's favorite color?
She doesn't have one!
What is Mommy's favorite animal?
A dog
does daddy fart
B is for
What is Ado's favorite animal?
A cat! 🐈
What does Gabby want to be when she grows up?
Anything that make moneyyyyyyyy 🤑💵💸
What is Mommy's favorite flower?
Rose 🌹
what is daddy's FULL name?
Temesgen Gatasew Ganta
T is for
What is Ado's least favorite holiday?
St. Patricks' Day! (its kinda boring)
What does Gabby call Daddy?
Bubba (for some reason)
What is Mommy's FULL name? (first, middle, last)
Beliyou Maitaheme Nigusse
what does daddy always say when he comes home?
"why is the table so dirty?"
Ado + Gabby + Beliyou + Temesgen =
Family! ❤️