What is weight..
how much a object push's on earth surface
What is a neutron…
Charge that has no charge
Where is the crust of earth…
Surface of earth
What does it mean to attract something…
To pull
What is volume…
Measurement of how much something is filled up…
What type of charge does electricity use…
A electric charge
What is a magnetic pole…
Poles on each side of a magnetic 🧲
What is friction…
Collision with another object that creates tension between the two…
What type of charge does electricity use…
A electric charge
What is the mantle…
The 2nd layer of earth
What is a magnetic field…
Magnetic Force that repels or attracts other Magnetic Forces
What is density…
How dense a material is
What is a ION…
Atom or mole with a net electrical charge…
What is the asthenosphere…
Almost solid layer of earth…
What is a ferroMagnet
What is area…
How much surface area an object has…
What is static electricity…
I’m balance of electrical charges
What is earth…
The planet we live on