Financial T
Assume the Sale

What is the first line of the financial T?

Looks like we got part of your design back!


What two questions transition us from the Financial T to EPP?

So, do you see how this saves you $$$$$ versus buying your electricity from the utility company?; Great! Do you see any way where you wouldn't save that kind of money?


How can a great presentation be wasted?

By asking for the business.


How do we gain certainty and remove skepticism about how much their electric bill will jump from year 1 to year 15?

Our Impact of Inflation Over Time tool


EPP is very similar to what discount in what industry?

Non-smoker discount in the Insurance industry.


Per the scripting, why will we review the agreement with the homeowner?

To make sure everything we've shared with them today is there in black and white.


If the homeowner's monthly solar payment in year 5 is $106.62, What will their monthly payment be in year 10?



How does a homeowner qualify for EPP?

By getting through everything the first time we visit; By helping us stay efficient.


What is one of the most important things with assuming the sale?



That's the bad news. Per the scripting, what's the good news?

The good news is those numbers will go to $0 from [UTILITY] if you qualify for solar and will be replaced by a smaller monthly payment.


What is our limiting factor for growth as an organization?

Hiring enough solar specialists like ourselves.


What is the scripting difference when assuming the sale for a lease vs a loan?

Solar Service Agreement vs Solar Loan and Installation Agreement


What do we say between Consumption and Generation appearing at the beginning of the Financial T?

Most of our homeowners are able to get about half of their electricity from solar, but--because you have such a great roof for solar--the engineers tell us your roof is capable of replacing YYYYY kilowatt-hours per year!


What is one of the two possible tie-downs for EPP?

Because you agree there is no way our program isn't going to save you money, would it be a terrible idea to save [EPP Savings] instead of [Non-EPP Savings]?; Now, earning back [Non-EPP Savings] is great, but [EPP Savings] is even better wouldn't you agree?


Per the scripting, what happens after we verify that everything is there in black and white?

The homeowner will simply sign the agreement, set up their account, and schedule the next phase of their project, which is coming out to their home and conducting our engineering visit.