What is the EPA/DHA ratio in a serving Full Mega?
How many types of collagen are in our 1st Phorm Collagen?
Which preworkout is considered a “pump product”?
What is the recommended amount of protein you should consume daily?
1g of protein per pound go goal body weight
This coach has heterochromia.
Coach Jelly
Name the different components/products are in Micro-Factor?
Multivitamin, antioxidant, EFA, CoQ10, Fruits and Veggies, Probiotic
Which sleep product has a digestive enzyme in its ingredients?
Core 21
Which 2 preworkout products contain creatine?
Enduraformance and Project 1
BONUS: What is the serving of creatine in both of these?
How many servings of cold water, wild caught fatty fish do we need per week to get enough Omega-3’s?
3-5 servings
BONUS: what is an example of a high quality fish source?
Which coach was nationally ranked music producer in their teens?
Coach Chris
What is the probiotic count of Opti-Greens 50?
5 Billion CFU
How many grams of magnesium are in a serving of magnesium?
420g per serving
Which pre-workout ingredient sometimes associated with a tingling sensation is taken to buffer lactic acid?
Beta Alanine
BONUS: which pre workouts contains this?
What is the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber?
soluble fiber dissolves in water
insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water
This coach ran away from home and was picked up by strangers and taken to the police station.
Timmy J
What is special about the probiotic strain in Opti Greens 50?
it's encapsulated.
BONUS: What is it called?
What is ignition?
Pure dexanhydrous glucose crystal with an added multivitamin
Which amino acids are found in BCAA's?
Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine
What vitamin, also known as retinol, is essential for good vision, immune function, and skin health?
Vitamin A
This coach has not one, but TWO rare auto immune skin diseases that less than 1% of the population has.
Coach Briley
What is the difference between the Microfactor packet vs. powder?
EFA in powder is go fat
CoQ10 in powder is phytonutrient
both plant based
What are the 3 components of the 1DB Fastpack?
1DB (goddess or overdrive)
BONUS: what do each of these do?
Which amino acid is the nootropic in Megawatt?
What trace mineral is crucial for the production of thyroid hormones and is commonly added to table salt?
This coach was a lead singer in a rock band in high school.
Coach Meg