What does the word Ghayb mean?
The unseen.
What is one way to show respect towards your parents?
Saying Salam or obeying them politely.
Who was Sayyidah Fāṭimah’s father?
Prophet Muhammad (S).
What is the first rank a Cub Scout must earn?
Bobcat Badge
What is our Taleeʿa (group) name?
Taleeʿat Al-Ameen.
We can see Allah (SWT) with our eyes.
What does "patience" mean in Islam?
Staying calm and trusting Allah during difficulties.
What is one characteristic we should learn from Sayyidah Fāṭimah (ʿa)?
Generosity, standing for justice, or patience.
What are the six things you must learn to earn the Bobcat Badge?
Scout Oath, Scout Law, handshake, motto, salute, and sign.
What does the word "Kaʾed" mean in Arabic?
Who believe in the ___, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them.
True or False: Being honest only matters when people are watching.
True or False: Sayyidah Fāṭimah (ʿa) taught her children to pray for others
What does the Cub Scout sign represent, and how do you make it?
The two raised fingers represent the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Make the sign with your right hand, holding your arm straight up.
How old was your Kaʾed when he started scouts?
6 Years Old.
What word describes believing in something we can’t see, like Allah or angels?
Faith in Ghayb.
What should you do if someone wrongs you?
Forgive them and show kindness
What is the name of Sayyidah Fāṭimah’s famous Tasbīḥ?
Tasbih Al - Zahraa
What do the two raised fingers in the Cub Scout sign represent?
The Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
Where is the Kaʾed originally from in Lebanon?
Bint Jbeil
Who taught us to believe in the unseen (Ghayb)?
Prophet Muhammad (S).
Give an example of a good character trait shown by Prophet Muhammad (S).
Kindness, honesty, or patience.
Name one significant event that occurred during Sayyidah Fāṭimah’s life.
Her defense of justice and standing for the wilāyah of Amīrul Muʾminīn (ʿa).
Recite the Scout Oath and explain its meaning in your own words.
Which university does your Kaʾed attend, and what does he study?
University of Detroit Mercy, Studying architecture