The handedness Maddi is in softball.
What is right-handed?
The year dad was born
what is 1972?
kyle split these at a wedding
what are pants?
the name of the company mom works for
what is east coast dental group?
the name of kimberlys cats
what is loosey and goose
The position maddi will work at doane gt
What is audit?
The name of the company dad works for
what is indigenous affairs?
the number of years kyle and maddy h have been dating
what is 3?
the position of mom at her job
what is cheif accounting officer?
kimberly majored in this degree
what is psyc?
the lake maddi lives on in dartmouth
what is lake charles?
dad put his hand on his hip for this
what is a picture?
what kyle lives across from in dublin
christmas bar
the job mom wanted before accountant
what is a police officer?
kimberlys position at home depot
what is department supervisor?
The amount of roommates maddi has at stfx
what is 6?
the game that made dad drink mustard at x ring
what is stack cup?
the racquet sports connor and kyle played this summer.
what is pickleball and tennis?
capital, carriage and trinity are these to mom
what are dental clinics she manages?
kimberlys last 4 digits in her phone number
The names of maddis 2 brothers?
what is kyle and tyler?
the place dad was during the Jose Bautista bat flip?
what is the hockey rink?
the name of the apartment building kyle lived at in halifax
what is spring garden terrace?
the food mom has at work for every birthday in the office.
what is birthday cake?
kimberly corrected my spelling of what word on facebook when i was 10 years old
what is whipped/llama?