This was a sign from God that He would never again flood the earth.
a rainbow
Often credited with writing the first 5 books of the Bible.
Commonly the Bible we use today consists of this many books in the Old and New Testament.
This is the place that historians and theologians believe Jesus gave His first Sermon.
Sermon on the Mount
While exiled on a small Greek island off the coast of Turkey he wrote the book of Revelation.
After throwing their brother Joseph into a pit his brothers did this with/to him.
sold as a slave
He wrote 13 letters that are found in the New Testament.
Traditionally it is thought that there were this many authors of the Bible, but there may have been more contributors than we know about.
This is the garden Jesus went to pray in after the last supper
Garden of Gethsemane
This is what will come to pass with the first trumpet blast.
hail mixed with fire
This is the last recorded word in the books of the Old Testament.
It is widely considered by historians and theologians that the Bible was written over an accumulated period of this many years
This book is the shortest in the Bible.
John 3
This man is credited with removing Jesus body from the cross after His crucifixion.
Joseph of Arimathea
When the last horseman is let loose on the world, it is this that follows him.
These 3 items were used by Gideon to conquer the Midianites
Trumpets, pitchers, and lamps
These are the 2 books of the Bible named after women.
Esther and Ruth
Scholars believe that the Bible was written in these three languages.
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek
Jesus was this age when he was separated from his parents only to be found discussing scripture with the teachers in the Temple.
This modern Country is believed to be the home of the 7 churches in Asia Minor that John was composing the letters to.
David brought this item to bless the city of Jerusalem
The Ark of the Covenant
The authorship of the Bible can be very complex and can get a little confusing, we know that the authors were imparted and inspired by Him.
This book is the longest in the Bible.
Jesus raised this number of people from the dead during his ministry.
3 - The widow's son in Luke 7
Lazarus in John 11
Jairus' daughter in Matthew 9, Mark 5, & Luke 8
Our modern-day "City of Brotherly Love" shares a name with this church who is to receive a letter from John