Why do cows wear bells?
Their horns don't work
What was the date we went on holidays to Muskoka
July 8'2024
Who gave his firstborn daughter to Jacob as a wife
How many states are there?
Who is Anne and Felicity's Teacher
Miss VanderVlist
Why couldn't the pony sing a lullaby?
She was a little horse
Who is great at technology and just fried there motherboard
What were the cherubs made from that stood in the most holy house?
What is the capital of New Brunswick
Mr. Westerink, Miss Veldhuizen, Mrs Sinke
How do trees get on the internet
They log in.
What was Amara's weight when she was born
to the nearest .2 oz - 6.9
How much bread and fish did Jesus use to feed more then 5,000 people
5 loaves of bread and two fish
What is the largest city in the world
Tokyo , Japan - 37.1 million
When did the school in St. Catherines Open
What did one toilet say to the other toilet?
You look a bit flushed
Who is tired of Van Ravenswaay gatherings
Uncle Jeff
What is the shortest book in the Bible
3 John
What year did RCS offer full classes to grade 12
Who was Melissa's Teacher in Grade 3
Miss Peterson
Why did God tell the Israelites to tie tassels onto the corners of their garments?
they were to be a reminder to obey God's commands
What planet is closest to earth
How many schools are there in the NRC