"On bended knee"
Most recent Teasley argument
Tim Mario Party timeline
First event where Megan was introduced to a family member?
Trivia night with Josh and Chloe
Who was accused of letting his father die
Whose racial discovery didn't change NinNin's opinion of them
"if I only had a gun"
There Hadland
Who almost hit someone by a car during an argument; who was almost hit
Jesse Teasley; Cole Teasley
Most recent homophobic reference
2 men in bed
What was the event that Kathy got a death threat at?
Women's Day retreat at clubhouse
"...Greatest movie since Star Wars"
Uncle Mike
Unexpected addition to Steve Nash argument?
Name of cereal Mom and Mossa bonded over?
Lucky Charms
Most recent racist moment
Sheik 9/11
At what religious event did NinNin yell at David
Greek Easter
"There are two men in a bed on my screen"
Who was Tim with when he allegedly parked at the hotel Cole and Kara stay at for free with no validation?
What action by Pa caused upset at Cole and Kara's wedding weekend
Drinking so they had to stay in a trailer
What was the drink Chloe spilled on the floor
Timothy Teasley
Tim's most longstanding partner
Which child did pa not recognize?
Tim - its a biker
What was the solution to Holiday NinNin
setting up a camera during thanksgiving