Father Frost has got __________.
1) green eyes
2) blue eyes
3) dark eyes
My mother likes chocolate. I can buy her a present in a
1) sweet shop
2) supermarket
3) green grocer's
sweet shop
My sister likes meeting with new people.
She is _________
1) sociable
2) shy
Father Frost will present a new computer to this person
1) programmer
2) architect
Father Frost's hair is ________.
1) short and straight
2) long and curly
3) short and curly
long and curly
My sister likes reading. I can buy her a present in a _______
1) electronics
2) buther's
3) book shop
book shop
I am good at Math and Physics at school.
I am _________
1) fool
2) smart
Father Frost will present a new car to this person
1) pilot
2) driver
Father frost's eyes are _______.
1) big
2) small
3) short
My father's phone is broken. He can buy a new pnone in a _______
1) book shop
2) electronic shop
My mother loves all her schildren. She is really ______
1) kind
2) angry
Father Frost will present a new bike to this person.
1) a pizza delivery boy
2) shop assistent
a pizza delivery boy
Father Frost has got a long ________.
1) beard
2) moustache
3) nose
My sister's trainers are old. She wants to buy new in a ________
1) shoe shop
2) clothe's shop
3) sweet shop
shoe shop
I don't like doing anything active. I am _____
1) sporty
2) lazy
Fater Frost will present new paints to this person.
1) actor
2) artist
Father Frost is _________________.
1) tall and well built
2) short and fat
3) tall and fat
tall and well built.
My mother is cooking a holiday dinner. She needs some vegetablea and fruit from a __________
1) cafe
2) greengrocer's
3) restaurant
My father is really cool and knows mane jokes.
He is __________
1) funny
2) boring
Father Frost will present a new book to this person.
1) an author
2) an actor
an author