What are stories related to state testing that Beth has permanent trauma from.
Egg bake, risotto
Snow removal
What is the thing Joe made Beth do everyday to get a ride to school
Sloshing toilet water
What is the result of the earthquake in Japan
Also, the train in Japan
Pee smell in viewing area
What is the thing we all had to endure to watch Adri's horse shows
What is the shape of the *permanent* scar that was the result of being pushed through the door. By Joe.
Too much mayo
What is the time Adri broke her arm (by being pushed off a trampoline by a 5 year old) and Joe and Beth 'celebrated' Memorial Day together.
Homemade dog treats
What is the time Joe wasn't paying close enough attention and really sold the homemade dog treat maker, which was actually an awesome handmade dog bowl
Sickness in the green mountains
What is time we were traveling to NH from MI (?) and Joe played video games the whole time, unless we were watching a traumatizing horror movie
List includes: The Omen, The Shining, The exorcist
Locker Lunches
What is when Adri was in elementary school and regularly bought lunch...even though we got a packed lunch everyday
EZ Pass
What is the only form of payment (other than a Debit card) that Beth had on travel to MA for job interview)
Dock removal
What is the time Joe tried (maybe did?) to lift the dock out of the water using a row boat
Agressive Trucker
What is the time Joe and Beth got lost in Canada
Economics Book
What is family trip to Italy in 2004
Golf cart
What Joe used to transport his double base to school in elementary school, so that he could play hot cross buns (potentially the only song he ever learned)
What is when Beth came home from Ireland and the luggage was too heavy
Kachina Clark
Who is the friend that Beth had a playdate with and then got attacked by a dog
Police Department
What is time Joe used the elevator phone at UNH to try to call his friend
Glazed fruit dessert/tart
What is the food we experienced that day we ended up in the Alps in Italy (always thankful for Joe's navigational skills)
What is the correct name for upper underwear that Beth couldn't say to Dad re: laundry
Hard to guess because they are regularly a feature for me
Also, what is time I received a bike as a surprise present
What is the number that has been used repeatedly
Specifically Baby Pi Pi, Scarlet letter representation, digits in college
What is the time Joe and Beth got wisdom teeth removed on the same day
What is the type of fuel we should've used in the rental car in France.
Fire drill
What are times Beth has lost a kid/walked a full class into the snow