Orange big boy who loves lasagna
Movie with a tiger on a boat
Life of Pi
Your dream city to live in
Anything goes
Software engineers in the front!
Twins in the back!
Mateya & Ian, Tom & Maja
Disney movie with cats that inherit an opera singer's fortune
The Aristocats
Popular type of thin crust pizza with basil that can also be a first name
The capital city of Croatia
Teammates in the front!
Boys in the back!
Ava & Hanna, Ian & Tom
Hermione's kitty
Sweet pie that takes from Tom's 2024 Halloween costume
Coconut cream pie
The city that is technically it's own country
Vatican city
Libras in the front!
Scorpios in the back!
Maja & Tom, Deana & Ava
Spanish hero cat that appears in solo movies and features in Shrek
Puss in Boots
As American as...
Apple pie
The Canadian city that is the furthest point West in Canada
People fluent in more than 1 language in the car!
Mateya, Christina, Deana, and Ian
Kiki's companion in a Studio Ghibli movie
The first 6 digits of π (pi)
A Canadian city that is home to both a provincial legislator and a provincially named university
Edmonton, Winnipeg (both correct)
Christina and Hanna in the front!
Mateya and Maja in the back!