Plasma, Liquid, Solid, and Gas are the four states of this.
This popular game involves setting down properties and taking money from other players until only one player remains with money.
This common pet is characterized by intelligence, obedience, loyalty, and a wagging tail.
A single slice of cake or pie.
A Genre of Music known for its lack of vocals, and inclusion of many different instruments.
This commonly referred to organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell.
A card game where each player is trying to play numbered cards of certain colors to try and get rid of all the cards in their hands, with special cards that make you draw, skip, or change the order of play.
This common pet is characterized by aloofness, independence, and scratching up furniture.
A platform on pillars extending from shore over water
This song is easily recognized worldwide from its iconic intro involving two stomps followed by a clap.
We Will Rock You by Queen.
Entropy is the term for the measure this part in a system
Disorder or randomness
This uncommon pet has over 2,000 species, and are often considered surprisingly easy to care for despite being scary to most.
A long, slender, two-edged sword.
This musical term is used for when a singer uses their chest voice to produce a powerful, resonant sound.
A 3+ player game where two or more players use descriptions to advance the game while one player describes everything that happens in response to the choices of the other players.
Dungeons and Dragons.
This uncommon fluffy pet has a rule that one can never give it a bath, and must try not to get it too wet.
To thrust into or penetrate sharply or violently
This rare musical talent that allows someone to easily know the exact note being played is common with various developmental disorders, such as autism.
Perfect Pitch, AKA Absolute Pitch.
This plant is the tallest type of Grass.
The oldest board game is called this.
Royal Game of Ur
This mammal is considered to be one of the hardest pets to keep. Requiring more maintenance and care than most pets, from their hooves to their diet. However, it is also one of the most asked for pets.
Dutiful devotion to a God, and observance of religious principles
This note is the most commonly found and played note in all of music.
Quarter note.