What conteint is Guyana in
South america
What is the official animal of canada
The bever
Who colonized france
(Two anser)
What is France and the U.K
What is my favorite instrument
What is the national animal of guyana
The Jaguar
What contient is Canada located in north america
What is the capital of Canada
When did gain Guyana independance
What is May 26 1966
When's mommy's birthday
November 8
True or False: Guyana is the 5th youngest country in the world?
How many provinces does Canada have?
What is the national bird of Canada
The Gray Jay
Whe is Canada "born" or founded
July 1, 1867
What is auntie B's birthday
January 26
What is the capital of Guyana
George town
True or false half of guyana's land is rainforest
(Approximately 85%)
What type of pizza was made in Canada
Hawaiian pizza
When was the flag of Canada adopted
February 15, 1965
What is caitlynne's favorite season
How many country boreder Guyana
Suriname, brazil and venzuela
What is the closet european country to canada
(Kingdom of Denmark)
How old is canada right now
157 years old
Approximately how long has Guyana been around for?
(Not birth of country)
For approximately 35,000 years
What is mommy's favorite color
What is the oldest town in Guyana
New Amsterdam