What do most Americans watch during the last few seconds before the New Year?
The ball drop
Which country has people wear polka dots for good luck and fortune?
The Philippines
Which country smashes plates to celebrate New Year's Eve?
What is the mix of black-eyed peas, pork, and rice that is often eaten on New Years Eve?
Hoppin' John
What color is worn to beaches to symbolize good luck and peace?
Why do people take empty suitcases and run around the block?
To guarantee a year filled with travel
Why does Japan eat toshikoshi soba on New Year's Eve?
The long noodles symbolize longevity and the buckwheat represents resilience
Why is mistletoe placed under one's pillow on New Year's Eve in Ireland?
To help them dream of their future partner
Why do some cultures eat round foods on New Year's Eve?
It leads to prosperity/it looks like coins or money
Which color underwear represents luck?
Which U.S. state smashes peppermint pigs throughout the holiday season?
New York, specifically upstate
How many times to Buddhist temples ring their bells leading up to midnight?
What is hung up on the front door in Greece?
Bundles of onions
How many grapes are eaten in Spain?
Which color underwear represents love?
Why do Puerto Ricans throw a bucket of water out the window?
To drive away evil spirits
Why do people in Soviet Russia give gifts on New Year's?
Because the USSR had forbidden Christmas
What is the reason behind the English and German tradition of kissing someone at midnight?
They are the first person with whom a person comes in contact with and will dictate the destiny of the year
Why are fish considered a good New Year's dish?
Because fish only swim forward, like the movement of time
What color underwear represents peace?
What do they do to bad parts of the old year in Ecuador?
They turn them into effigies and burn them
What is the extra ingredient that Russians add to champagne?
Burnt paper ashes
Which country smashes a pomegranate as a symbol of abundance?
What do you do with bread in Ireland's tradition?
You bang it on the walls
Why does collard greens represent money when making Hoppin' John?
Because it is green, just like the paper money it represents