Webs, Chains, & Trophic Levels
Energy and Work
Pot Luck

Sunflower     🠚     Butterfly     🠚    Bluebird

is an example of this grouping style of organisms, showing how energy transfers from one organism to another.

What is a food chain?


In general, decomposers recycle only this part of biomass, turning it into usable nutrients.

What is matter?

In the Mono Lake ecosystem, if the coyotes were to die, we could expect this population to increase.

What are California gulls?


These organisms create biomass (energy + matter).

What are producers?


Anything that is man made would not be an example of this type of service. (Street lights)

What is an ecosystem service?


This diagram groups levels of organisms and shows relative distribution of biomass in an ecosystem.

What is a trophic levels pyramid / triangle?


Without decomposers, Earth would become depleted of this resource that helps producers grow biomass faster or larger.

What are nutrients?


Using the 10% rule, if producers in an ecosystem have a total of 150,000 kg of biomass, how much could we expect the 2nd level consumers to have?

What is 1,500 kg?


These are the only three things that are required for energy to be created.

What are H2O, CO2, and sunlight?


Heavy rain that helps producers grow biomass is an example of this service.

What is ecosystem service?

What are supporting ecosystem services?


This grouping style of organisms shows all the feeding relationships in an ecosystem, showing how matter and energy travels from one organism to another.

What is a food web?


There is very little energy left in dead organisms for decomposers because of this rule.

What is the 10% rule?


In order to make an ecosystem sustainable, the 1st level consumers must be _______ than the 3rd level consumers.

What is bigger? (20 times larger)


Sleep is an example of this process.

What is work? 


What is maintenance?


"Pasta makes you fasta" is a phrase to help you remember that the biomass a plant makes is _______, a type of carbohydrate.

What is glucose?


These organisms are found on the left side of a trophic level pyramid. They use any remaining energy left in an ecosystem to do their work.

What are decomposers?


Decomposers make matter available for this type of organism.

What are producers.


Sustainability would be very difficult without these organisms, sometimes called the recycling centers of our planet.

What are decomposers?


This chemical equation shows how biomass (stored energy + matter) is created.

What is photosynthesis? 

6H2O + 6CO2   (in the presence of sunlight) 🠚 C6H12O6 + 6O2


Oak trees are found in the Appalachian Mountains and in the United Kingdom. Despite their distance, they're both part of the Temperate Deciduous Forest _______.

What is a biome?


Arrows in food webs and food chains point in this direction.

What is pointing from the source of the energy to the consumer of the energy?


Decomposers are the recycling centers of our planet. Without them, dead organisms would start to ______  everywhere we look.

What is pile up?

The phenomenon of biomagnification states that any toxins that enter an ecosystem will concentrate in very high levels in this category of organisms, even if those organisms never eat the actual toxin themselves.

What are 3rd level consumers? 


What are top-level consumers?


This chemical formula shows how a hummingbird gets energy from flowers.

What is ACR?

C6H12O6 + 6O2  🠚 6H2O + 6CO+ energy (ATP + thermal)


If a bird eats a cricket, and the cricket eats grass, what does the grass eat?

What are sugars, or the biomass that the plant creates during photosynthesis?