Can I have a teacher device such as a smart phone, smart watch, or teacher computer in the room during testing?
LEA personnel shall not possess any digital device within the testing room, or when in the presence of secure test materials, when administering or proctoring an ACAP assessment.
What is a TAM, and do I have to follow it?
Test Administration Manuals
Teacher Administrators have to read their grade level TAM verbatim. It cannot be summarized.
Before each test session- I as the test administrator need to... (5 steps)
Post a "testing sign" on your door
Obtain a roster and complete a seating chart before each test session
Check attendance using the test session roster before obtaining test tickets.
Check test tickets to confirm the applicable accessibility supports and/or accommodations
Students must be seating per seating chart, computers ready, and library book under desk.
What do I do if a student does not submit their test properly?
If a student selects "pause" and "exit" from a test session without selecting "submit" when they are finished, the test session remains in "progress". The BTC will need to go in and "end the session".
No makeup session is required.
Who qualifies for a Digital Device Exception Request?
Any student or adult involved in testing who needs a digital device for medical purposes
Do test administrators have to monitor students during the assessment?
Test Administrators and Proctors must monitor students to ensure they are working independently and adhering to procedures.
How many minutes per question does a student have?
Four Minutes per Question
The test engine automatically exits the test session and submits the student's responses at the end of the allotted time.
What do I- as the test administrator- need to do before the testing window?
1) Complete a seating chart and make multiple copies to hold on to.
2) Headphone Count
3) Computer Readiness Check
How do I check if all my student's have their appropriate testing accommodations?
What qualifies as a testing irregularity?
A testing irregularity is any occurrence that may influence a student's performance. Examples:
A violation of the digital device policy
Providing improper assistance to a student
Not providing student accommodations
What is the role of a Hall Proctor/ Monitor?
Hall proctors and monitors are encouraged to assist students in managing the time outside of the testing room so students are able to return within 10 minutes.
Hall proctors and monitors also ensure that students are not going to backpacks, talking to other students, on any digital devices outside of the room.
What are the MUST HAVES on a completed Irregularity Report?
Student State ID (SSID)
Principal Signature
I have a new student who will participate in the ACAP assessment with accommodations. Will this student's accommodations be directly available on their testing ticket?
the BTC is responsible for printing test tickets for any new students or students whose accommodations were added/changes after January 24th
Please see Mrs. McFadden
Uh OH! My student's computer is not working- what do I do?
1) Ensure student is going through the waffle icon prior to logging into the computer
2) Ensure all browsers are clear
3) Get the hall monitor to flag down the BTC- do NOT send students to Mrs. McFadden
What is considered "secure materials"
Test Tickets
Receipt and Returns
All paper materials containing student work or notes, including scratch paper or printed reference sheets
When do I- as the test administrator- complete a timing form?
For any student who leaves the room for any reason during the assessment.
What percent of the ACAP Test is "recycled" and placed on the following year's ACAP Practice Test?
25% of the testing questions
In the event of a major disruption (fire alarm, severe weather, sick student in the room) that affects an entire testing group, instruct the students to PAUSE and EXIT before leaving the room.
How long is a timing "break?"
Student assessment policy allows a student to leave the room for up to 10 minutes.
If a student does not return within 10 minutes, they are not allowed to reenter the testing room and resume testing. Their test will automatically time out and the TA does not need to exit the test.
What is qualified in allowable testing tools?
Writers Checklist for ELA TDW can ONLY be accessed in the DRC INSIGHT test engine: paper copies are not allowed.
Math Reference Sheets and the Periodic Table be accessed in the DRC INSIGHT test engine: paper copies are allowed at the start of the test.
Headphones for 2-8 for ELA session 1-3
Can the test administrator assist students who ask for help?
Students are to receive no help during the administration of the test beyond making certain that they understand test directions and headphones are working.
What does ACAP stand for?
Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program
Do test sessions for a content area have to be administered in order?
Test sessions do not have to be administered in order. Example: ELA session 2 can be administered prior to ELA session 1.
If a child gets sick and cannot continue the testing on the same day the session is started- what do I as the test administrator do?
A single test session must be completed on a single day.
The ACAP Request to Resume Testing form is available in the TAM to complete if a student gets sick and cannot continue testing on the same day the session is started. Submit to the BTC by C.O.B.
Who completes an Irregularity Report?
The certified personnel who witnessed the testing irregularity is the one who completes the testing ticket.