The largest muscle in the body
Gluteus Maximus
How many bones are in the adult human
The digestive system begins here
The large muscle that supports breathing and ventilation, located beneath the lungs
How many cavities are in the heart
A transverse fracture is described as a
Break at a right angle
Food begins the chemical breakdown process by secretions from these
Salivary glands
From your nose, air flow travels down this tube
When following blood flow, which side of the heart does it 'begin?'
Right side of the heart (left when looking on a page/paper)
Muscles are attached to bones by
A twisting break is also known as a
This muscle is involuntary, and helps move our food to our stomach
How many lobes does the right lung have?
Name the two types of circulation
Pulmonary and systemic
The main muscle in your forehead
Name the two parts the skeletal system is divided into
Axial and Appendicular
The small intestine is about this long
22 feet
Name the impression cavity that accommodates the heart
Cardiac notch
Which artery carries deoxygenated blood
Pulmonary artery
The name of the muscle running down either side of your neck vertically
Where would you find yellow bone marrow in a long bone
Center or shaft
True or False - the pH of stomach acid is more acidic than vinegar
Airway, moistens and warms air, filters air, houses olfactory receptors
How much blood does the heart pump through the body every day?
4-6 Liters
Name the three types of muscle
Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth
How many vertebrae are in the lumbar section
In the large intestine, this happens to help form stool
Moisture is removed
When we breathe, what two gases are we exchanging?
Oxygen and carbon dioxide
What is the technical term for a heart attack?
Myocardial Infarction
Name at least four things used in naming muscles
Direction, Size, Location, Number of Origins, Shape, Action
Name the floating bone in your neck
Digested food in the stomach is called this
This flap at the top of the trachea, keeps food from entering our airway
What does the term artherosclerosis mean?
Delayed onset muscle soreness is caused by a build-up of lactic acid
False - it is caused by damage to the muscle fibers
Name two causes of heartburn
A weakened sphincter - causing regurgitated stomach acid, spicy foods, too much food
True or false - each lung has one bronchus or bronchi
True - but MANY bronchioles
Name two valves in the heart
Tricuspid, bicuspid, mitral, aortic, pulmonary
Name the four functions of the muscles
Name of the hole in the pelvic bone
Obturator foramen
Amylase, maltase, pancreatic amylase
Name two things that the respiratory zone consists of
Bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveoli
True or false - Arteries are thicker than veins
Cytokines are what?
Inflammatory molecules - proteins that help regulate inflammation in the muscles
Name the bottom tip of the sternum
The xiphoid process
Food can take up to this many hours to fully 'process' in its travel through the large intestine
10-59 hours
Name three things the conductory zone consists of
Nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea
True or false - Veins do not have valves
False - veins have valves, arteries do not