The accreditation institutions of QAS
WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) and WCEA (Western Catholic Education Association)
what SAINTS stands for
Skillful communicators
Active, responsible citizens
Independent lifeline learners
Nurturing community
Thoughtful faith-filled people
Stewards of the Earth
presented to students in grades 6 - 8 who have a 4.0 GPA on their report card at the end of the trimester
Principal's list
Definition of excessive absence
being absent from school for six (6) absences per trimester or a total of eighteen (18) days per school year
Knowingly copying another student’s work or source for a test, project or assignment, or sharing one’s work with another student
what is cheating?
The amount of years QAS is accredited
6 years
The minimum number of hours per year required of each family in grades Preschool - 8th grade
presented to students in grades 6 - 8 who have 3.75 - 3.9 GPA on their report card at the end of the trimester
Highest honors
Definition of “Excessive tardiness”
being late four (4) times per trimester or a total of twelve (12) times per school year
cell phone not turned in and found fee amount
first Catholic school in Contra Costa County
Name the group that helps promote the spiritual, educational, physical, and cultural welfare of children of QAS through coordination of volunteers and promotion of school fundraising activities
PARENT ASSOCIATION - PACE (Parent Association for Catholic Education)
presented to students in grades 6 - 8 who have 3.5 - 3.74 GPA on their report card at the end of the trimester
A teacher may require a student to serve a detention for up to
15 minutes
Name five days it's ok to not observe the dress code
October - · Fridays in October: Boo Bash T-Shirt Days with school uniform · Red Ribbon Week Activities – See Scoop for special Spirit Days · Halloween Activities Come to school dressed in your Halloween costume. Details regarding appropriate costume choices will be printed in the Saints’ Scoop newsletter.
December - Christmas Program ● Students come to school dressed in their Sunday best as we celebrate Advent with our annual Christmas program. Students in some grades may be asked to dress according to a theme.
January/February - Catholic Schools Week Spirit Days – see the Saints’ Scoop for more information February · Valentine’s Day – wear pink or red socks (full uniform)
May - Field Day Fun - see details in Scoop · T-Shirt Tuesday: All Tuesdays in May and June – wear any Queen of All Saints t-shirt with your uniform
June Last Day of school Free Dress for Church/Mass (bring your gently used uniforms to the Uniform Closet)
the date QAS school doors opened
September 13, 1948
Compulsory Parent/Teacher Conferences are held for
15-minute periods during the first trimester
presented to students in grades 6 - 8 who have 3.0 - 3.49 GPA on their report card at the end of the trimester
Merit list
No student shall be suspended from school for more than
five (5) school days at a time unless exceptional circumstances exist
Name four things not allowed during school
Cell phones
what grade level and how many students QAS had when it first opened
Kindergarten through sixth grade, 250 students
the number of reports made to parents every year
Name the six core subjects
Religion, English, literature/reading/spelling, mathematics, science, and social studies
QAS uses this developmental approach to teaching self-discipline
Discipline with Purpose
The distance a "walking field trip" can be from school
two miles