Austin's dog __________ is also half of the name of a Powerpuff Girl's villian.
These three residential halls are dry buildings.
Caito-Wagner, Clare, and Doyle Halls
After a conduct meeting, a student will receive a letter saying whether or not they are responsible for each __________ against them.
This is the point of view in which an Incident Report should be written.
Picture A
Doyle Hall
The University that AC Jomar attended typically has a couple of alumni in the Olympics for cycling.
Marian University
Quiet Hours on a normal Wednesday night begin at ____ and end the next morning at ___ .
10pm; 9am
This is the name of the punishment that a student may receive after a conduct issue, such as community service or a fine.
This is when the AC or AD will receive the Incident Report to their email after it is submitted.
Picture B
Wood Family (Evan's) Center
This magical book and film series is one of Dean Karen's obsessions.
Harry Potter
This is the space that a person can post their own personal flyers.
On their own door.
This is the very first thing that happens during a conduct meeting.
This is the Pro Staff member that has written the most IRs this semester.
AC Reagan
Picture C
St Joe's Chapel
This is the range in tens of how many total Squishmallows AC Reagan owns. (example 10-20)
Visitation hours on a Friday begin at ____ and end the next morning at ___ .
9am; 2am
These three groups are the people who are told about a specific conduct incident, if all three are necessary.
Residential and Commuter Life, The Athletic Department/Coaches, and Title IX Coordinators
DAILY DOUBLE. This is the exact number of reports that have been submitted by just the Residential and Commuter Life staff. (Wager points, closest without going over wins, everyone else loses the amount of points they wager)
Picture D
St Francis Colonnade
This is the name of Director Maddie's favorite band and also something that happens if you slip while walking up the stairs or by simply jumping.
Falling in Reverse
This is how big an item can be in the hallway before it becomes a fire hazard. (note: AC Reagan's staff was not necessarily informed correctly. oopsie.)
Smaller than your shoe
These are the three most important details of the first letter that a resident receives from the AC after an incident report.
Summary of incident, charges, and meeting details
This individual is the RA who has written the most IRs this semester. They have
RA Allie Gardener
Picture E
The Fountain