Places and Spaces
Acceptable Use of Technology
Consent 101

This is the only acceptable address for delivery food drop-off or taxi/rideshare pickup and drop-off.

What is 32 Dunbarton Road?


Students should assume these two characteristics will be true for anything and everything they share or post. 

What are public and permanent?



What is the phone number to call safety? (Make sure it is saved on your phone!)


SPS advocates this approach regarding sexual intimacy among students.

What is postponing sexual intimacy until students are older?


8:00 am to 3:00 pm

What are the hours during which SPS is phone free during the academic day?


This is the area of campus in which students may be after dusk.

What is the core of campus?


Doing this with others' electronic devices (computers, phones, etc). without express and immediate permission is prohibited, even if they appear unattended or unlocked.

What is accessing, using, or attempting to use?


This is the name of the website where students can report misconduct and other information directly to the school 

What is SPS Cares?


The active, voluntary, and mutual decision to engage in sexual activity.

What is Affirmative Consent?


In student rooms, in backpacks, checked in with the deans

What is the ONLY acceptable places for smartphones and related devices during the academic day.


This is the only way for students to gain access to the Music Building outside of the normal academic day and requires a meeting with a member of the Dean of Students office.

What is an access agreement?


Classrooms, student rooms, bathrooms, locker rooms, and any other place/time where a reasonable person would expect privacy.

What are places where recording/photographing others is prohibited.


This policy allows students who may be engaged in high-risk behavior to receive help, without the threat of disciplinary action. 

What is the sanctuary policy?


Meeting with a counselor to confirm consent. Loss of intervisitation privileges and possible parental notification.  No meeting with the DC unless there is a violation of a major school rule. 

What are the typical responses when students are discovered engaging in sexual intimacy?


Common community areas including in the dining hall and on the paths.

What are places where having smartphones/ Air pods, headphones, etc. are not acceptable.


These are the non-negotiables for outdoor swimming  at SPS.

What are: I have passed the swimming test, I am being supervised by an SPS adult, I am at the docks, and I am not alone.


Creating social media posts or memes, or playing music on a speaker with this kind of content is explicitly forbidden.

What are explicit lyrics?

Literally any adult at SPS, including the dean on duty, an adviser, a nurse or counselor at Clark House.

Who can a student ask for Sanctuary?


In New Hampshire, individuals under this age cannot legally give consent to sexual activity.

What is 16?


The Dean of Students office between 3 and 4 pm for a second infraction, and The Dean of Students Office 15 minutes before check for a third infraction.

Where and when can a student pick up their collected phone?


This building houses Raffini Commons, Kwok Cafe, the Publication Room, and the Dean of Students Office.

What is the Friedman Community Center? :)


Creating these for a school group without the involvement and express approval of the coach/adviser, even if the bio says "not affiliated with St. Paul's School" is a violation.

What are accounts on any social media platform?


This is a perfectly acceptable way to provide information on the SPS Cares website, AND it makes it harder for the deans to follow up.

What is make an anonymous report?


This policy ensures that a student who is a victim of sexual misconduct will not be disciplined for simultaneous violations of Major School Rules.

What is Amnesty?


Pelican NEST and a meeting with a dean.

What is required after a third smartphone rule infraction?