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Patient contraindications for abdominal gait belt use

What are patients with a severe cardiac or respiratory condition, abdominal hernia or aneurysm, pregnancy, the presence of a gastrotomy tube or other equipment, and recent abdominal, back, or chest surgery or trauma?


How to prevent contamination of a sterile field during set up

What are opening the first flap of the package away from you, only sterile items touch sterile surfaces, place fluid receptacle near edge of table when dispensing liquid, do not open any packages showing signs of damage or moisture, do not reach over the sterile field?


This is the position to place a patient after CPR revival

What is the recovery position on the left side?


This is completed wherever instruments were used prior to taking used instruments to be sterilized/reprocessed

What is point of use cleaning?


Actions to take if a patient loses weight-bearing ability during ambulation or transfer

What is maintain your grip on the gait belt, pull the patient as close to your body as possible, and gently slide the patient to the floor using the large muscles in your upper legs?  Calling for assistance for chair or wheelchair?


3 rules to follow when monitoring or maintaining a sterile field

What is prep field as close to scheduled use time as possible, do not relocate sterile field, if a delay occurs the sterile field requires continuous observation, face field on approach?


This is the placement of adult AED pads when placing on a small child

What is on the chest and back, sandwiching the torso?


This is performed when moving from a contaminated to a clean site during patient care on the same patient

What is changing your gloves and performing hand hygiene to avoid cross contamination?


3 physiological factors that increase risk of patient falls

What is history of previous falls, lower body weakness, foot pain, vitamin D deficiency, the use of multiple medications, and impairments in mobility, balance, gait, vision, and cognition?


3 reasons to discard or reprocess instruments upon inspection of a sterile package

What are signs of moisture, stains, tears, punctures, if the chemical indicator is not in the accept range, or if the package contains rusted, pitted, or disposable instruments?


What to do if the AED says that no shock is advised

What is feel for a pulse and continue high quality chest compressions if the patient is pulseless?


These are precautions to take if your patient states having a 5-day history of watery diarrhea

What is placing the patient and exam room in contact isolation, wearing gloves and a gown and washing your hands with soap and water?