City Tours
"Easy" Biochemistry
Lonestar Lore
Biochemistry Baddies
Movie Memes
Geek Memes

Largest (not tallest) capitol building in the USA, City Limits, University of Texas

What is Austin, Texas?


The "power house of the cell" has these folds throughout its interior.

What are cristae?


This A&M leader holds the highest rank in the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets.

Who is Reveille X (Cadet General)?


This biochemist from UC, Berkley is known for their development of the CRISPR-Cas9 system for genetic engineering.

Who is Jennifer Doudna?


(SPOILERS) This character in Avengers: Infinity War got blipped by Thanos while in the arms of Tony Stark.

HINT: Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good...

Who is Spider Man (Peter Parker)?


This yellow rat can be found in almost any video game store and even at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Who is pikachu?


The Galleria, Buffalo Bayou Park, NASA Space Center

What is Houston, TX?


These types of reactions resupply intermediates of the citric acid cycle.

What are anaplerotic reactions?


Texas is home to this world's largest convenience store in New Braunfels at 66,335 sq. feet (larger than a football field).

What is Bucee's?


This biochemist enjoyed surfing and playing music (guitar/vocals) and studying astrology in their free time. Oh they also pioneered the technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Who is Kary Mullis?


This son of a princess showed promise as a student under his uncle, but soon he embraced his bad boy side and got an awesome lightsaber.

HINT: He knows what he must do but doesn't know if he has the strength to do it.

Who is Kylo Ren (Ben Swolo)?


This cartoon about "water, earth, fire, air" received an infamous film adaptation in 2010 and will soon be adapted into a live action show on Netflix.

HINT: Blue arrow. 

What is Avatar: The Last Airbender?


USS Constitution ("Old Ironsides"), Paul Revere House, Fenway Park

What is Boston, MA?


System in eukaryotic cells that effectively allows the transport of NADH between cytoplasm (mitochondrial intermembrane space) and the mitochondrial matrix.

What is the malate (malate-aspartate) shuttle?


This Texas city is home to the United States National Helium Reserve which held around 30% of the world's supply of helium in the world in 2012.

What is Amarillo?


This Austrian-American biochemist is known for their elucidation of the catalytic conversion of glycogen to lactic acid in cells, receiving the Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine in 1947.

Who is Gerty Cori?


This small green man with a catchy name is technically an assistant to his bigger, blue coworker. 

HINT: Now put that thing back where it came from or so help me!

Who is Mike Wazowski?


In this anime the main character carries around his sister in a backpack while he searches for a way to cure her. He also often travels with an extremely-annoying blonde guy and a guy wearing a boar head.

What is Demon Slayer?


Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Great Wall

What is Beijing, China?


Enzyme that is part of both the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain.

What is succinate dehydrogenase?


This A&M researcher received the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Congressional Gold medal for his contribution to the "Green Revolution."

Who is Norman Borlaug?


This biochemist researcher and astronaut has spent a cumulative total of 665 days in space, more than any other American astronaut in history.

Who is Peggy Whitson?


Considered a side character, this gardener is extremely optimistic and saves the world from evil various times through his bravery and loyalty to his friend.

HINT: Po tay toes! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew?

Who is Samwise Gamgee?


During 2020 two extremely different games were released on the same day, March 20th, which spawned many memes online. Name one of those games.

HINT: Isabella and ____ Guy

What is Animal Crossing and Doom: Eternal?


Lions Gate Bridge, Coal Harbour, Gastown, Canada Place

What is Vancouver, Canada?


Type of enzyme inhibition that occurs when the inhibitor binds the enzyme-substrate complex instead of the enzyme active site directly.

What is uncompetitive inhibition?


This African-American Texas Senator helped Texas take advantage of the Land-Grant College Act of 1862 which directly allowed the founding of Texas A&M soon after.

Who is Matthew Gaines?


This American chemical engineer from Caltech received (half) the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their development of directed evolution for enzyme engineering. They also serve on the President's current Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).

Who is Frances Arnold?


In this infamous movie, Johnny is betrayed by his fiance Lisa in a tragedy that spirals out of control (hilariously).

HINT: "Oh hi Mark"

What is The Room, by Tommy Wiseau?


Name that tune: "10 kills on the board right now, just wiped out Tomato Town. My friend just got downed - I revived him, now we're heading south-bound. Now we're in the Pleasant Parks streets."

What is Chug Jug With You (Number One Victory Royale)?