To compete in pony classes, a pony cannot measure above...?
148cm or 14.2hh
Are there many different breeds within the warmbloods?
Identify the poll
Where should the person leading a horse be positioned?
At the horse's shoulder
Why are there arena tracks?
To be able to ride in an organized way in an arena
To have different ways of changing direction, from basic to advanced
Supports and shows the suppleness of the horse
What does FEI stand for?
Federation Equestre Internationale
Were warmbloods originally a cross between other breeds?
Yes; cold bloods and hot bloods
Identify the crest
Why should the person leading a horse never wrap the lead rope or reins around their hand?
He/she could end up with serious rope burns
The fragile bones in the hand could fracture
If the horse spokes the person could end up being dragged behind the horse
Which arena track is this?
Change of directions across the diagonal
What is the purpose of the rising/posting trot?
To make the trot more comfortable for the horse/rider
What is another name for a cold blooded horse?
draught/draft horse
Identify the hock
What are 3 important facts about grooming a horse?
If the horse is removed from its natural environment it is up to us humans to take on the responsibilities from the missing herd mates
Grooming stimulates blood flow
Grooming is a good opportunity to check for injuries, swelling, heat and general health
Identify this arena track.
20 meter circle
What are the two sizes of dressage arena?
20 meters x 40 meters
20 meters x 60 meters
What is a typical task for a cold blooded horse?
PULL heavy loads
Identify the croup
In which direction should the rider/handler always be looking?
In the direction they are going
Identify this arena track.
What are the maor differences between the 2-point seat and 3-point seat?
In 2-point, the rider's weight is mainly in their stirrups
Which of the following breeds would be considered hot blooded?
Identify the withers
What equipment is most essential for a rider's safety?
Paddock boots or tall boots
What is an approach line for a pole or obstacle?
The line from the center of the obstacle for an ideal approach