children typically get this in their stockings if they’re on the “Naughty “ list
A lump of coal
In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”, this actor played George Bailey
Jimmy Stewart
This made Frosty come to life
An old silk hat
This Christmas decoration was originally made from strands of silver
This Christmas beverage is also known as milk punch
Egg nog
According to legend, these holiday candies were shaped to resemble a shepherds staff, as a way to remind children of the shepherds who visited baby Jesus
Candy canes
Last name of the family featured on National Lampoons “Christmas Vacation”
The Griswolds
The German name for the song know in English as “O Christmas Tree”
O Tannenbaum
This Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant
This Christmas food is known for its long shelf life
The first gingerbread houses were inspired by this fairy tale
Hansel & Gretel
In the classic movie “A Christmas Story”, this happens to Ralphie’s friend as a result of a “triple-dog-dare
He gets his tongue stuck to a flagpole
In the Chipmunks Christmas song, Alvin wants this for Christmas
A hula hoop
Mexico is the native country to this popular Christmas flower
An ornament shaped like this food is hidden on a Christmas tree
A pickle
Name of elf who wants to be a dentist
In “A Christmas Carol”, this is Scrooge’s first name
This classic Christmas song is sung by the Peanuts gang at the end of “A Charlie Brown Christmas “
Hark the Herald Angels sing
In this old tradition, people put this decoration in their windows to signify they were Christian and invite others to join them in celebrating Christmas
In the song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”, this type of pudding is asked for
Figgy pudding
A booklet printed by Montgomery Ward first featured this beloved Christmas character
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
The names of the 2 burglars in “Home Alone”
Harry & Marv
The name of this Christmas song is also how you say Merry Christmas in Hawaiian
Male Kalikimama
The first artificial Christmas tree was made using feathers from this type of bird
A goose
The 4 main food groups according to Buddy the elf
Candy, candy canes, candy corn & syrup