The 12 stars on Uzbekistan's flag represent this group of 12, a reminder of the nation's history as a center of astrology
The Zodiac
The Wilson brothers, Mike Love & Al Jardine, surfin' over '60s high notes
The Beach Boys
The human body is made of about 60% this; in the brain it's 75%
The Great Red Spot
R.J. Reynolds best selling cigarette brand
An older term for a blacksmith, and in the future a famous Star Trek planet
In 1903 this Central Amer. country signed a treaty giving the U.S. control of a zone; it adopted a red, white & blue starry flag in 1904
Panama (the canal zone)
"Don't Lie",, Taboo & Fergie totally hip-hopped through the 2000s
The Black Eyed Peas
The brain contains about 100 billion of these, commonly just called nerve cells
Olympus Mons
A reconstruction law for this Japanese city went into effect August 9, 1949
I'd call them a roofer today, but if i still had a straw roof I'd call him this instead.
In the center of the flag of Dominica are 10 lime green stars surrounding one of these raucous tropical animals native to that isle
Here come Annie Lennox & Dave Stewart again, falling on your heads like an '80s memory
The Eurythmics
Brain development in humans doesn't fully finish until this commonly quoted age, also around when your car insurance rates may drop as well
Where the Soviet Venera 5 through Venera 12 all went to die
The N country of Scandinavia
In Latin, this food preparation job is carnifex; in medieval England it also meant executioner
a Butcher
Like several of its neighbors, Australia's flag has stars in the shape of this constellation
The Southern Cross
Thomas Bangalter & Guy-Manuel giving robotic performances in the 2000s
Daft Punk
When you sleep, your brain switches between this and not-this type of sleep; the former is where dreams can occur
Features in the famous 'Pale Blue Dot' photo
As well as a nickname for New Orleans, it's the town in Italy where emperor Augustus died
A Granger was one of these, especially the tenant type
a Farmer
Think communist language - communist China's flag's 4 small stars stand for peasants, the petty bourgeoisie, patriotic capitalists & this manual labor class
The Proletariat
Last names of Ricky, Michael, and Ronnie, the R&B trio who dropped "Poison" in the '90s
Bel Biv DeVoe
At 18 pounds, this deep diving whale has the largest brain of any animal
Sperm whale
The only planet besides Earth not named after a Roman god
Uranus (thats a Greek god)
The writing point of a pen
This nickname today for an unskilled golfer once meant a seller of cheap goods
a Duffer