KMHC Forms and Tools
Risk Management
Grab Bag
From Today

This medication should be given immediately if an opioid overdose is suspected


Don't forget, we have a Collective Prescription


A score of 12 or more on this scale identifies the individual as a high fall risk with unsafe ambulation

SCOTT fall screening tool


An action or situation that does not have consequences for the state of health or welfare of a user, but the outcome of which is unusual and could have had consequences under different circumstances

An incident


ROP is short for

Required Organization Practice


If there is no sign on a patient’s door or chart indicating the patient is on additional precautions, then PPE is never required when providing care.



Insulin, Heparin, Methotrexate, Apixaban are

High alert medications that required double verification


This tool identifies
Type 1: Separate hard lumps
Type 3: A sausage shape with cracks
Type 5: Soft blobs with clear cut edges

Bristol stool chart


Resident/client on the verge of falling in the presence of staff or supported by staff to the chair or the floor.

A near fall


Recommended every fall as of 6 months of age

The influenza vaccine

An open mind, self-confidence, genuineness, respect for others or respect for confidentiality are

Attitudes that foster effective communication


Right Time, Right Dose, Right Medication, Right Route, Right patient were traditionally known as the 5Rs. Name the newer additional 5Rs

Right Documentation, Right Knowledge and Understanding, Right to Refuse, Right Response or Outcome, Right Education


Sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, friction and shear 

BRADEN scale


Accidents, which did have long-term or permanent consequences (e.g. a fall resulting in a fracture or a medication error resulting in a transfer to another hospital center).
Any accident of severity F or greater as described in Section 12 of the AH-223 form.
Any claims of mistreatment towards a resident or client  

Sentinel events


What is going on with the patient?
What is the clinical background?
What do I think the problem is?
What would I do to correct it?

Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation, also known as SBAR


48 hours

The duration of monitoring of neurological signs if the client suffered head trauma or suspected head trauma (including all unwitnessed falls)


36 months

Validity of all collective prescriptions according to INESSS


A score of 3 or above on this scale indicates a high level of sedation and an opioid should not be administered

Pasero Sedation Scale


The forms which should be filled if a client/resident is having an allergic reaction due to a medication being administered for the first time

AH-707A Form from the MSSS and the Side Effect Reporting Form from Health Canada.


The notion that human wellbeing in the long term is dependent on the wellbeing of the earth including living and nonliving systems

Planetary Health


Clinical Assessment
Clinical Intervention
Continuity of Care

What are the three elements of the nursing process upon which the OIIQ documentation guidelines are based, and that should be included in progress notes when charting by exception?


Name 4 moments when a Medication Reconciliation is required

At admission
At discharge
At a transfer of care
At the request of the physician


1. As per local procedure. a double signature is done for High Alert Medications inscribed on the MAR (Check 10 FADM)
2. All medications are stored in a secured room, or with an access only for employees
3. A label with the opening date is affixed on every opened multi dose medications in cart

Criteria found on the Medication room audit tool


Based off of 4 pillars, this methodology represents attitudes of staff and management about the organization’s approach to safety, their perception of risks and their beliefs in responding to and controlling risks ultimately to ensure the safe provision of care and services to all clients

Safety Culture


Name 3 members of senior management (and their title) AND 2 new members of the executive nursing committee

Valerie Diabo (ED)
Mendy Sananikone (Associate ED)
Dr.Rachel Eniojukan (DPS)
Catherina Lukashova (DOO)
Robin Guyer (DONCC)

Miriam Diabo (STC)
Christine Jacobs (LTC)
Caireen Cross (OPC)
Sheila Diabo (LPN)


Do not make it bleed
Clean with water and soap without scrubbing
Rinse with water or normal saline, if available

First aid for a percutaneous injury involving blood and biological fluids