Numbers, numbers, numbers
Wine History
Winemaking! Its a science!

This is the most widely planted grape in the world with more than 700,000 acres worldwide.

What is Cabernet Sauvignon?


This tradition started in ancient Rome when the Romans continued the Greek tradition but started dropping a piece of toasted bread into each glass to temper undesirable tastes or excessive acidity

What is "Toasting"?


7 glasses of orange juice or 20 glasses of apple juice have the same amount of THIS in one glass of wine

What are antioxidants?


This number of grapes (or pounds) is what it takes to make a standard bottle of wine.

What is 200 grapes (2.5lbs)?


This was the year the world's old bottle of wine dates back to (Bonus: Country)

What is 325 AD? (Germany)


This type of yeast is the most commonly used in the winemaking industry due to its reliability to tolerate high alcohol levels.

What is Saccharomyces cerevisiae?

On average, an acre is of grapevines produces this amount of wine

What is 800 gallons?


This is the Greek God of wine

Who is Dionysus?


These 2 grape varietals are thought to be the crossed to produce the grape you know as Cabernet Sauvignon.

What is Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc?