This programming language, named after a comedy group, is known for its readability and wide use in data science.
named after the British comedy group "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
He was the Hartford businessman who founded Travelers.
James G. Batterson
Future of Claim
In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill?
Red Pill
red pill because it represents the choice to learn the truth about the reality he lives in,
This is the term used when a player in bowling gets 3 strikes in a row.
This language, originally developed for web browsers, has since become a staple for front-end and back-end development.
What Year was Travelers founded?
Claims-CIRCLE-Customer Channels & Customer Digital Capabilities Circle
The Lord of the Rings movies were filmed in this country
New Zealand
This is the nickname for the fourth player in the game of baseball batting order
Created at Google, this language is commonly used for systems programming and known for its simplicity and efficiency.
Go (also known as Golang)
Travelers has operations and field offices in 6 countries other than USA, name at least 3 countries.
United Kingdom, Ireland, Singapore, China, Canada, & Brazil
Field Office System Support
Which famous Pulp Fiction scene was filmed backward?
Mia’s overdose scene
Which player has won the most NFL MVP awards?
Peyton Manning
5 times (2003, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2013)
This in AngularJS , refers to the ability to link directly to a specific view or state within your AngularJS application.
Deep Linking
What Year was the Travelers Tower in Hartford Built?
Claim Information Review Board
Which movie has the tagline: "The true story of a real fake."?
Catch Me If You Can
In basket ball, a free throw attempt shall be considered illegal if the official does not _________
"handle/pass the ball into shooters hands"
In REACT JS , use of this object increases the performance
Virtual DOM
This is the year that the name of the company changed from St. Paul Travelers Companies to The Travelers Companies, Inc.
2007 [Feb]
Information Technology Operation Center
What famous line in All the President's Men does not appear in the book or any documentation of Watergate?
"Follow the money."
Which 2018 World Cup soccer team lost their Nike footwear a week before competition due to sanctions?