An area specifically prepared for playing the ball along the ground. There is a flagstick for the hole in each area.
What is a putting green?
This penalty area has two relief options.
1.) stroke and distance
2.) back-on-the-line procedure
What is a yellow marked penalty area?
The player who is ready to hit the ball first does so. This is usually agreed upon at the beginning of the round.
What is Ready Golf?
The area the player must play from in starting the hole they are playing.
What is teeing area?
This area covers the entire course except for the four specific areas of the course.
What is the general area?
This rule is when your golf ball is two club lengths from a sprinkler and the sprinkler is within two club lengths of the green. The sprinkler is in your line of play and you are entitled to free relief.
What is the two plus two rule?
This penalty area has three relief options.
1.) stroke and distance
2.) the back-on-the-line procedure
3.) two clubs lengths laterally from point of entry
What is a red marked penalty area?
The total amount of time it takes for each group to complete a hole, from the tee shot on the first hole to the last putt on the green of the 18th hole.
What is pace of play?
An object used to raise a ball above the ground to play from the teeing area. It must be no longer than 4 inches.
What is a tee?
To take this type of relief, you must find the nearest point of complete relief from the artificial object and drop your original ball or another ball away from the object and within one club length of that point no closer the hole.
What is free relief?
Any green on the course other than the putting green for the hole the player is playing. This includes putting greens for all other holes not being played, normal putting green for a hole where a temporary green is being used, or all practice greens for putting, chipping, or pitching.
What is a wrong green?
A specific rule, which areas of bodies of water or other areas defined, where a ball is often lost or unplayable for one penalty stroke, players may use specific relief options.
What is a penalty area?
Yell this when you or someone in your group hits an errant shot that could potentially hit another player.
What is the term "Fore"?
Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be: Out of bounds or lost outside a penalty area. This ball is not in play unless the original ball is lost anywhere on the course except in a penalty area or is out of bounds.
What is a provisional ball?
This is when the ball is not found within three minutes after the player begins to search for it.
What is a lost ball?
To fix the mark on the green, insert the repair tool or tee behind the raised turf. Push from the rear and the sides to stretch the turf over the mark.
What is a ball mark?
This term refers to the relief option where you can drop the ball behind the penalty area, keeping the point where the ball last crossed the penalty area between you and the hole, with a one-stroke penalty.
What is back-on-the-line relief?
Dress shorts, slacks, cargo shorts, and pants (without exterior pockets), skirts, or skorts all of a style made for and designed for golf are permitted. For ladies, designer T-shirts may be worn but must have sleeves and sleeveless shirts must have collars. Yoga pants, leggings, and tights are permitted but must be covered with a golf skirt or shorts.
What is dress code/golf attire?
The location of these markers is set by the committee to define each teeing area, they should remain in the same location for all players who will play from that teeing area.
What are tee markers?
All areas outside the boundary edge of the course are defined by the committee. This is typically defined by white stakes or lines.
What is out of bounds?
Any unattached natural object such as:
stones, loose grass, leaves, branches and sticks, dead animals and animal waste, worms, insects, and similar animals that can be removed easily and the mounds or webs they build, and clumps or compacted soil.
What is a loose impediment?
If your ball lands in a penalty area, you have the option to take this number of penalty strokes and drop the ball within two club lengths from the point where it last crossed the penalty area, no closer to the hole.
What is a one-stroke penalty?
This term refers to a set of rules and practices designed to make the game of golf safer, more enjoyable for golfers, and to minimize possible damage to golf equipment and courses.
What is Golf Etiquette?
This area would include all ground inside the edge of the defined area. This area is typically marked with stakes, lines, and/or signs. This can be anywhere in the general area and is also called GUR.
What is ground under repair?
This rule covers free relief that is allowed from interference by animal holes, ground under repair, immovable obstructions, and temporary water. This rule does not give relief to movable obstructions.
What is an abnormal course condition?