
Sister Freeman referred to D&C 25. This revelation was given to...

A. Emma Smith

B. Lucy Mack Smith

C. Mary Fielding Smith 

A. Emma Smith


Elder Budge mentioned his experience in Japan and how busy we are sometimes. He said that we need what?

Be Still, wich can mean to slow down and make time for the Lord.


Elder Kearon said, " Welcome to a church of ..."

A. Love

B. Truth

C. Joy

C. Joy


Who did Sister Yee paint a portrait of? 

A: Her mom

B: Joseph Smith

C: Jesus Christ

D: President Nelson

C: Jesus Christ


What reverent means according to Primary children.

Close your eyes, bend your arm, and be still.


What is one place we can go to prepare for the second coming?

The Temple.


Elder Eyring promised that God would help us have hope for our loved ones who have left the church, help us get closer to him, and help them remember what they have learned.

 What do we need to do?

Pray, talk to God, and plea for his help.


 When speaking of "Weapons of Rebellion," Elder Christofferson explained that Rebellion can be ____________  or ____________.

A: Active or Passive

B: Amusement or Entertainment

C: Distractions or Sins

D: Intentional or Mistakes

A: Active or Passive


? How many years did the Sons of Mosiah's Mission last?

A: 8 Years

B: 14 Years

C: 22 Years

D: 29 Years

B: 14 Years


Who did Elder Gong go against at a family reunion in a dad joke contest?

A. 2 Grandsons


C. 80-HD



Jesus Christ promises to us that we will never be alone because...

I will be in your right hand and your left, and my spirit will be in your heart.


What parable did Elder Suarez mention in his talk?

The pearl of great price.

The Kingdon of Heaven is like the pearl of great price.


President Nelson urges us to devote time each week for the rest of our lives to increase our understanding of the atonement of Jesus Christ or...What?

With our pain and loneliness, we will suffer for our sins and struggles alone.


Mortality Work: Elder Hales tells the history of his mom. What health issues did she have? 

He dreamed about her. What did he experience in his dream?

Polio, Dimension.

She looks so beautiful and healed from everything. 


What did the T-Shirt say that Elder Cook and his wife saw?


A: Stripling Warriors - The Original Momma's Boys

B: Encyclopedias - The Original Google

C: Covered Wagons - The Original 4-Wheel Drive Vehicle

D: Books - The Original Handheld Device

D: Books - The Original Handheld Device


In the second coming, The lord will reign from:

Jerusalem to the New Jerusalem in the American Continent.


Elder McKay from the Seventy teaches about young Joseph Smith and how God answered his prayer, and said God will answer all _____ 

Teenagers inquiries (Prayers).


Elder David Bednar said, "The Book of Mormon is about our future."  the book of Helaman was mentioned; why?

 One word

"Pride" can enter our hearts, as it happened to Nephites.


Elder Renlung tells us the history of an Italian Chemist named Ascanio Sobrero and a Swedish Scientist named Alfred Nobel.

 What they discovered  

 Ascanio Sobrero Nitroglycerin

 Alfred Nobel mixed nitroglycerin with kieselguhr, a fine sand. to create what we know as Dynamite


Elder Holland reminds us that we sign for the whole term together with Jesus Christ; the joy of this life is because the headmaster gives an open book to find the answer together with a host of tutors, and the only way we will fail is if? 

We keep cutting classes.


In the second coming, Jesus Christ, the King of kings, will reign, and those who keep their covenants will be called.

Chosen and Faithful


What President Nelson Promise you in this conference

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President Nelson asked why we were building temples at this time. 

The Lord is hastening his work before His second coming.


What Story did you like during the General Conference

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What funny thing do you remember from this conference?

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